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There’s more awareness and recognition than ever of the 95th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. And individual states have been celebrating their accomplishments over the past few years. A bill to create a New York State suffrage centennial commission was approved during the 2015 legislative session by both houses. But the commission has no funding and lacks the governor’s signature. Stay tuned for news updates!
The Upstate New York Women’s History Organization (UNYWHO) conference is set for Saturday, September 19, 2015 at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY. The event is cosponsored by the Women’s Rights National Park. Sessions include women’s digital histories, U.S. women’s wartime activism, Women in WW I, second-wave feminism, colonialism and power, sexuality and the law, feminist documentary, and evidence and inference in women’s history. The New York Women’s Suffrage Centennial Conference is set for October 1, 2015 at the Holiday Inn, Waterloo/Seneca Falls, NY), 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The New York Council for the Humanities and Generations Bank are conference partners with the NYS Cultural Heritage Tourism Network.
Woodstock, NY is the first community to pass a local resolution supporting the NYS women’s suffrage centennial observance in 2017. Other towns and cities are expected to gather support on the local level. The “Spirit of 1776” suffrage storytelling series moved forward when Wilmer Kearns entered the narrative, as told by Bess, Edna’s best friend. Check out the two-part series about suffrage activist Charlotte Perkins Gilman and her story “The Yellow Wallpaper,” a revealing perspective by Wendy Bird: Part I, Part II. Four states have upcoming women’s suffrage centennial celebrations. The September program at Suffrage Wagon Cafe will feature the new book by Kenneth Florey about American woman suffrage postcards published by McFarland.

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