Check out the 2020 suffrage centennial updates.
Suffrage centennials are taking on more importance than ever before! a video on Vimeo. has been publishing since 2013.
Check out the 2020 suffrage centennial updates.
Suffrage centennials are taking on more importance than ever before! a video on Vimeo. has been publishing since 2013.
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VOTE: It’s a Right That Didn’t Come Easy! on Vimeo.
Suffrage Centennials honored New York State’s 100 years of women voters in 2017! on Vimeo.
Drop in (online) for burial ground dedication for suffrage activist Edna Buckman Kearns. Ceremony available during the entire month of October 2020 online. Link.
The human side of social change is highlighted in the upcoming book by Marguerite Kearns due for release from SUNY Press (State University of New York) in June 2021. has been publishing since 2013.
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Women’s Suffrage Centennial events & celebrations: News Notes on Vimeo.
Inez Milholland’s family members, some distant, kept her memory alive throughout the 20th century when the early women’s rights history was marginalized, considered boring and unimportant, and it was either invisible or referred to in a single photo caption.
It’s hard to keep up now with the amount of material published about the early women’s rights movement. This includes descendants of the activists. In July 2020 a conference, “Seneca Falls Revisited” featured the great great grand niece of Harriet Tubman. One extended family group had a representative—the great-great-great grandson of Frederick Douglass.
There are increasing occasions when someone speaks in public or writes about their ancestor or family member. John Holliday from Australia is one example. He had planned to visit the United States to promote his book about his suffrage ancestor, but the pandemic called a halt to his plans. has been publishing since 2013.
If you know of an ancestor publishing a book about their suffrage activist family members or ancestors, get in touch! Plan for your book club—especially a book about an early women’s rights activist written by a descendant.
“An Unfinished Revolution” Edna Buckman Kearns and the Struggle for Women’s Rights” by Marguerite Kearns is one example.
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Rocking the Cradle got the Women’s Rights Movement out in Front on Vimeo.
An article about the “Spirit of 1776” suffrage campaign wagon used by Edna Buckman Kearns will be featured in the next issue of “New York History” scheduled for publication in November 2020. The article will be an adapted selection from An Unfinished Revolution: Edna Buckman Kearns and the Struggle for Women’s Rights that is scheduled for publication in June 2021 by SUNY Press.. Here’s information about “New York History” from their web page. has been publishing since 2013.
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Edna Buckman Kearns reflects on her past & the “Spirit of 1776” wagon! on Vimeo.
Registration on web site. $15. Online program, “Suffrage Wagons: The Winding Road to Voting Rights.”
Check out burial ground dedication for Edna Buckman Kearns at Quaker burial ground during October 2020. Date to be announced for October Zoom program. has returned with regular postings. We have been publishing since 2013.
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The dream of historic markers to celebrate the 2020 suffrage centennial is coming closer to a reality. October 1, 2020 is the deadline to apply for a free historic marker in your community. The National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites has been working hard the past few years to establish a Votes for Women Trail across the United States. The historic markers are funded by the Pomeroy Foundation in NYS.
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Special exhibition celebrates the 2020 Women’s Vote Centennial, on view through September 27
Rose O’Neill: Artist & Suffragette is a special installation created with recently acquired artwork, generously donated by The Rose O’Neill Foundation to Norman Rockwell Museum’s permanent collection of illustration art. This exhibition is especially meaningful as August 18, 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, guaranteeing and protecting women’s constitutional right to vote. Rose O’Neill (1874-1944) was strongly devoted to the cause, taking part in protests, public speaking, creating protest signs, magazine illustrations, and postcards advocating for women.
Born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and raised in rural Nebraska, self-taught illustrator O’Neill broke new ground for women in the worlds of art and publishing.
The Historical Society of Woodstock (NY) will sponsor an exhibit about Edna Kearns and Elisabeth Freeman, early women’s rights activists, during September 2020. Watch for updates here on
The centennial of the 19th Amendment—a special message on Vimeo. is anticipating the next suffrage centennial in 2023—100 years that US women have been working on an Equal Rights Amendment to the US Constitution.
Suffrage News about early women’s rights movement activists!! on Vimeo.
Check updates about the “Spirit of 1776” suffrage campaign wagon at Suffrage Wagon News Channel.
Visualize Inez Milholland being inducted in the National Women’s Hall of Fame. Support our US suffrage martyr. Visit
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Grab the news that isn’t available except on social activism friendly digital platforms!
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October 15, 2020. Zoom conference from 1-3 p.m. sponsored by of Santa Fe, NM. $15. Attend from any place on Planet Earth. Register at
Chances are that your grandparents, great grandparents, other family members and ancestors lobbied, picketed, agitated, and worked alongside the tens of thousands of US citizens who spent decades winning voting rights for women. The women’s voting rights victory was one of the largest civil rights campaigns of this nation spanning from before 1848 to 1920 and beyond.
Learn how suffrage wagons were used in rural areas and cities in parades, demonstrations, and special exhibits. Discover why the New York State Museum features the horse-drawn wagon used by Edna Kearns in its 2020 exhibition. Learn how New Mexico is celebrating the observance of US women voting during the national 2020 centennial of women’s voting rights. Across the nation, Americans are highlighting the passage and ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the US Constitution during 2020 by scheduling special events and celebrations. And perhaps without realizing it, you are involved in this long trail of struggle.
Suffrage Wagon News Channel has been publishing since 2009. has been advocating for 100 year women’s rights anniversaries since 2013.
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How will the 2020 election be decided? Controversy over voting rights, voter eligibility, and if the 2020 voting rights centennial has or has not achieved the intended results. has been publishing since 2013.
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The feminists of the so-called “second wave” of the women’s rights movement are celebrating 2020 with an announcement of their presence.
Support August 26th (Women’s Equality Day) becoming a national holiday!
On Women’s Equality Day—August 26th—buildings and landmarks across the nation will light up in purple and gold, according to the federal Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission.
Rap and Roll to celebrate August 26th, Women’s Equality Day on Vimeo
Numerous web platforms, ad hoc groups, and women’s organizations have been active for years in terms of advocating for the 2020 women’s suffrage centennial. Monumental Women is one example.
Sign up for regular emails on this site.
How are you celebrating August 26th? Are you participating in suffrage centennial events or digital programs online?
Follow the web page for updates on the second Inez Milholland film (now in production):
ON AUGUST 26th visit Suffrage Wagon News Channel that has been publishing since 2009.
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