Inez Milholland, as well as many New Yorkers in 1911, were well aware of the Triangle Factory Fire and they were involved on many levels. In January 1910, Inez was arrested after she stopped on the street to speak to shirtwaist factory strikers. SuffrageCentennials.com has been covering the 100 years since Inez Milholland’s death and the many programs and events associated with it.
Spread the word and join the crowd on March 23rd during Women’s History Month, a month-long commemoration now in its 40th year.
On Friday, March 23, 2018, friends and interested citizens will be gathering together to remember those who died in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in 1911. Gather on the corner of Washington Place and Greene Street, NYC, at the site where 146 workers.mAll are welcome for the raising of the ladder, the calling of the names and the laying of the flowers.
New York University will sponsor a tour of the 9th floor of the Brown Building (where those who died in the Triangle Fire were working) prior to the annual commemoration.
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