NEWS NOTES FROM SUFFRAGECENTENNIALS.COM has been publishing since 2013.
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This digital catalog compiled by Bob Cooney is an important resource for 2020. It has numerous items to choose from, and this is the most recent version. Sign up on the National Women’s History Alliance web site to receive news updates.
Screenings online all over the US have people talking about the suffrage history documentary scheduled for July 6 and 7, 2020 at your local PBS station. has been following the planning and progress of the Turning Point Suffragist Memorial for years. Now, the decision to complete the memorial in stages has been announced. Donor contributions will contribute to be accepted, however. Also, a new development from the Turning Point organizers announced on their web platform:
We can’t cover all of the closings and announcements of digital events and celebrations that have been announced during 2020. If you planned to attend an event associated with August 26th, Women’s Equality Day, during 2020, check with its organizers as to any changes in plans. For those of us who have been advocating for the 2020 centennial for the past five years and more, we’re sad and disappointed too.
Women voters: Voting rights didn’t come easy. Follow the Spirit of 1776! on Vimeo.
FOLLOW for news about 2020, the national suffrage centennial. We have been publishing since 2013.
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A Call to “Cook”: Historians Cooking the Past in the Time of COVID-19
COVID-19 has brought so many of us into a new sort of relationship–fraught or otherwise—with cooking and food. We’ve been thinking a lot about how others have faced public and personal catastrophes, distance (social and otherwise), as well as scarcity and all of the anxieties that come with these experiences. We are struck by the way the coronavirus brings us together as a global community even as it separates us into the smallest iteration of “family” units. At the same time, we have found ourselves cooking and looking to the past for comfort, models, and inspiration to move forward.
In this vein, we have issued a call to cook, asking scholars as well as storytellers throughout the world to share a food memory and a recipe that reflects on these COVID-19 times. By “cooking the past,” we mean two things. First, we are dedicated to exploring our own compulsion to draw on familiar recipes in these troubled times. Also, “cooking,” as in “playing with” or “altering,” reflects our creative efforts to both rethink and reframe our own engagements with stories of loss, community, family, and food heritages.
New York’s 2017 suffrage centennial fans cooked up a storm! on Vimeo.
While some posts will be nostalgic, paying homage to a simpler time, we also welcome those that offer an edgy perspective on the politics of this moment and how it may be viewed as an important break with the past. If re-envisioning how we address homelessness, food insecurity, healthcare, education, and other social issues moving forward, through story and food memories, means not including a recipe, know that our framework is completely flexible.
This improv and temporary project, as well as our call to cook, is available at If you are inspired, please consider making a contribution to the project. Our hope is to understand this pandemic through storytelling, while also documenting the particular challenges we are all facing through varied international perspectives. Regardless, please follow along as we try to understand this evolving situation as a community of storytellers, and perhaps cook and share a recipe to our kitchen.
Follow We have been publishing since 2013.
If you send us your recipe that’s accepted for the Historians Cooking the Past web platform, we’ll promote it on Suffrage Wagon Cooking School.
This article is reprinted from the Historians Cooking the Past web site. Spread the word! And send us the recipe and commentary that is posted.
Suffrage Wagon Cafe is preparing a special program based on the experiences of the First Woman Reporter on The Moon. It seems like eating in space is a bit more challenging than eating on Planet earth. Stay tuned!
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In 2023 women in the United States will have been working for 100 years to get an equal rights amendment added to the US Constitution. The panel participants in an ERA Town Hall during May 2020 were not optimistic about the possibilities of a quick passage.
Several panelists said they predicted that partisan politics will most likely prevent the draft amendment from becoming part of the US Constitution for some time to come. Difficult and expensive litigation may be the fate of the draft amendment, they explained. The degree of determination and persistence around the ERA’s revival is noteworthy and a development worthy of significant comment.
Dear Friends celebrating the Suffrage Centennial,
During the quarantine, I worked with the National Women’s History Alliance to put together a Women’s Suffrage Centennial Catalog. It’s an exciting if incomplete gathering of commemorative material of all sorts produced by state centennial groups, non-profits, artists and small businesses across the country. Contact me at the email below for a copy.
Our main goal is to encourage people to visit the state centennial websites, in particular, since they are such rich resources and could use more publicity. A list of the principal state groups is included. All the sites are worth visiting.
We wanted to share the excitement of these groups and others, and promote the centennial in this free digital way to attract more people. Our hope is that the catalog will circulate as widely as possible right away with your help to increase the visibility of these worthy and timely efforts. As a rule, people love to shop.
We encourage you to feel free to send this out to your members and supporters, share it with contacts and promote it on social media – more than once. The more visibility the better. The NWHA makes no money off the catalog and we hope it benefits all those recognizing this important anniversary.
Please let me know of any corrections or changes. Thank you for all your work and for helping this catalog reach a wider audience.
All the best,
Robert Cooney, National Women’s History Alliance has returned to the fray.
Suffrage Wagon News Channel has been publishing since 2009.
Find out from Marguerite Kearns about her upcoming book, “An Unfinished Revolution,” the story of her grandparents, Wilmer and Edna Kearns and her effort of a lifetime to find out about her family’s involvement in social activism. Registration for the special Renesan program, online, will open in late August.
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The May 31, 2020 launch to shoot two men into space provoked an announcement from Suffrage Wagon News Channel about the first Woman Reporter on the Moon. This reaction and experiment with fictional content has provoked debate and conversation, with the added responsibility to place the past, present, and future into a broader context.
Within this broader context, I’ve become more opinionated than ever. The May 2020 launch demonstrated to me the limitations of existing and thinking within the context of the past, with the present day and future vague and cloudy. Space colonization and development is now in the hands of corporations and a few nations. There’s profit to be made in outer space. So this development is something to notice.
If this news update seems cluttered, it’s because it’s not easy to report on the May 31, 2020 launch into space to test and announce new technologies that make it easier to plunder Planet Earth and leave it behind for others to clean up.
MEANWHILE, June 5, 2020 was World Environment Day.
In the context of no limits to plundering Planet Earth, a day set aside for biodiversity can almost seem outdated. In fact, preserving Planet Earth, our home, is necessary for those who survive the dreadful predictions of the eventual impact of the shifts in climate. It’s predictable that space colonization would replace worry about the downhill shifts in quality life on Planet Earth.
Our sister site, Suffrage Wagon News Channel, has been publishing since 2009.
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The first woman reporter on the Moon! VIDEO on Vimeo.
While the men of the United States scored victories in 2020 relative to keeping women in their place, the women reporters at Suffrage Wagon News Channel had their own blast off this week. The first woman reporter on the moon has now set up news bureau headquarters with a feature headline that in the larger universe, women are highly honored, unlike on Planet Earth.
The May 2020 accomplishment of the United States to shoot two men into space has been duly noted. However, the newsworthy universal headline award went to the first woman reporter on the moon. She represents the women of Planet Earth.
Many representatives of these earthly beings have been voting for 100 years, and yet white old men are still chosen and promoted by their respective political parties to represent them in the White House.
These persistent and determined earthly women in the United States have been marching for over 100 years for justice and freedom within their imperfect social and political system.
In 2023, this web site will highlight a sixty-part public broadcasting documentary series about the 100 years since US women have been attempting to include equal rights and justice into the US Constitution.
Since the response to the May 2020 men’s blastoff to outer space has been mixed, the first women reporters on the moon will issue and circulate a special report. It is possible their current news bureau building will be remodeled and expanded between now and 2023 in order to host the next suffrage centennial celebration in 2023—to honor 100 years since US women have been attempting to include equal rights relative to gender in the US Constitution.
Ten US corporations have submitted bids to sell tickets linking Planet Earth to the women’s moon headquarters. The stock for moon tourism transportation is expected to go through the roof over the next five years.
Stay tuned. Continue watching this web platform,, that has been publishing special programming about US women and their Swiss cheese civil, personal, and political rights since 2013.
Suffrage Wagon News Channel has been spreading the news of women’s activism since 2009.
This is a special program released to audiences around the world by Suffrage Wagon Cafe that has been scheduling special programs for the past five years. Here’s the announcement of the cafe’s opening in 2015:
Great women’s suffrage programs and videos from Suffrage Wagon Cafe on Vimeo.
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Principal State Centennial Group Websites: This is a work in progress assembled by Bob Cooney. If you have any additions or corrections, get in touch.
Alabama, Women’s Suffrage Centennial Committee
Alaska, no state group found
Arizona, Celebrates the 19th Amendment
Arkansas, Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commemoration Committee
California, 2020 Women’s Suffrage Project
Colorado, Women’s Vote Centennial // Colorado 2020, History Colorado
Connecticut, Commission to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment
Delaware, Women’s Vote, Delaware Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission
Florida, Women’s Suffrage Centennial
Georgia, no state group found
Hawaii, Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commemoration
Idaho, Women 100
Illinois, Suffrage 2020 Illinois, Evanston History Center
Indiana, Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission
Iowa, 19th Amendment Centennial Commemoration
Kansas, 19th Amendment Centennial
Kentucky, Woman Suffrage Project
Louisiana – no state group found
Maine, Suffrage Centennial
Maryland, 19th Amendment Centennial Commission, Maryland Commission for Women
Massachusetts, Suffrage100MA
Michigan, Votes for Women 100, LWV of Washtenaw County
Minnesota, LWV of Minnesota
Mississippi, League of Women Voters of Mississippi
Missouri, League of Women Voters of Missouri
Montana, Women’s History
Nebraska, LWV of Greater Omaha
Nevada, Women’s Suffrage Celebration Committee
New Hampshire, Women Vote 100
New Jersey Women Vote 2020, Discover NJ History
New Mexico – League of Women Voters of New Mexico
New York State Women’s Suffrage Commission
North Carolina – She Changed the World
North Dakota Woman Suffrage Centennial Committee
Ohio Suffrage Centennial
Oklahoma Historical Society
Oregon Women’s History Consortium
Pennsylvania Women’s Suffrage 100
Rhode Island – XIX: Shall Not Be Denied
South Carolina – LWV of South Carolina
South Dakota – Her Voice, Her Vote
Tennessee Woman 100
Texas Women`s Foundation 19th Amendment Centennial Project
Utah – Better Days 2020
Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance
Virginia Museum of History & Culture
Washington – Celebrating 100 Years of Women Change Makers, Washington State Historical Society
West Virginia Centennial Celebration of the 19th Amendment
Wisconsin 19th Amendment Suffrage Centennial Celebration Committee, LWV of Wisconsin,
Wyoming Women’s Suffrage Celebration, 2019-2020
Washington D.C. – LWV in DC
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Alfred University’s Art Force 5 ‘s Women’s Empowerment Draft, was highlighted on the NFL Network during May. It highlighted the lives of 32 women who have contributed to the women’s rights movement in the United States. The event marks this year’s 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment. A portrait of each woman will adorn an NFL-style jersey, and the jerseys will be worn by 32 college students from across the nation.
Here at continue with the news of the women’s suffrage centennial. This is the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution and women’s voting rights.
Here’s a web site that’s promoting the 2020 suffrage centennial:
Visit We have been publishing since 2013.
Suffrage Wagon News Channel is our sister site bringing you news of the “Spirit of 1776” suffrage campaign wagon used by Edna Kearns in 1913.
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We’re busy planning a special season of videos that are related to the times. One example is the series that my friend Jonathan Geffner has been running in 2020. It’s not about the 100 years US women have been voting. However, Suffrage Wagon News Channel has a long history with Jonathan. He has helped with special coverage of Edna and Wilmer Kearns, my grandparents, in the past.
This is an example of what he’s doing now. “The Toilet Paper Caper” has a current angle, and we’re planning to feature Jonathan’s Series #1 of detectives Trillo & Suede. This video is a teaser. Will return when we have more information.
Part of the 2020 suffrage celebration is the story of how the Pomeroy Fioundation of upstate New York has been busy working with communities and non profits to erect historic street and property markers across the nation. Thank you, Pomeroy.
Jonathan Geffner says Wilmer Kearns has a challenge on his hands! on Vimeo.
We love to feature friends of Suffrage Wagon News Channel. Jonathan Geffner did this promo for Wilmer Kearns and Suffrage Wagon News Channel one holiday season. He’s looking forward to the upcoming book by Marguerite Kearns when she reveals the background of the tale of Edna and Wilmer Kearns and the early women’s rights movement. Stay tuned! has been publishing since 2013. Suffrage Wagon News Channel has been on the case since 2009.
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