What is the problem with a woman president in the US? Suffrage Centennials asks the question!

by Marguerite Kearns

Go ahead, Edna Buckman Kearns. Use your telephone and ask the same question. If the nation to the south of us can elect a woman to head its government, we can too.

This is another example of other nations on Planet Earth being ahead of us in the US..

Another example is an amendment to the US Constitution. Last year, 2023, we drew attention to the fact that the United States is backward. Its women have been voting for over 100 years. A new team has taken over the effort and they have built on prior efforts.

Are they successful? It’s another year and another opportunity to set things in place. Instead we women have an opportunity to choose between two old tired men. What about Kamala Harris, the nation’s first woman elected vice president? She’s in the number 2 spot and is patiently waiting to see what will happen next about the 2024 election.

We at SuffrageCentennials.com have been publishing since 2013. How much longer must we wait? The US Supreme Court isn’t helping either right now. This is classic.

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