You’ll be walking arm and arm with us here at Suffrage Centennials when you get the frontline view of the demonstrations—and there were many—organized by women and their men allies in the struggle to win the vote. We refer to the “suffrage movement” now as the first wave of the women’s rights movement in the United States. The women of the first wave believed they were addressing the gender imbalance by winning voting rights. It wasn’t easy standing up to be counted. If they hadn’t set the first wave rolling, it would have waited until much later to accomplish such a difficult task.
FROM NEW ZEALAND: The government of New Zealand is interested in purchasing the former home of New Zealand women’s suffrage movement leader, Kate Sheppard. The building failed to sell at auction in Christchurch. It is where Sheppard collected thousands of signatures for a petition for women’s right to vote in 1893. The Clyde Road property is a Category 1 listed Historic Place and has a council valuation of $3.15 million.
WOMEN’S EQUALITY DAY NEWS: August 26th was commemorated in 2018 by a wide range of organizations across the nation. Here is one such message from the national League of Women Voters.
The Alice Paul Institute sent out this communication for August 26th.
Suffrage Centennials has a lot to say about these hundred-year observances. After 100 years, it’s fascinating to see what has been accomplished, as well as get out our “to do” lists to plan for the long way still to go. We’re tracking centennial observances. So, come along:
Check in with the centennial blog carving out a path into the unknown to get the name of Inez Milholland (our U.S. suffrage martyr) recognized as a household name. Take at look at:
In 2023 American women will have been working for equal rights in the U.S. Constitution for 100 years. Keep this in mind.
At Suffrage Centennials— we’ve been blogging since 2013.
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