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Women’s Suffrage Centennial News Notes include “Women in Politics” conference

News Notes about Women’s Suffrage Centennial events & celebrations! on Vimeo.

“Women in Politics: Past, Present & Future” is a conference commemorating the centennial of women’s suffrage in New York State. It will start on Friday, April 21, 2017 at the FDR Library in Hyde Park, N.Y. and continue on Saturday, April 22, at SUNY New Paltz (New Paltz, NY).

Remarks and keynotes will be delivered by U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, League of Women Voters Executive Director Wylecia Wiggs Harris, Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Editor Allida Black and Black Feminist author and activist Barbara Smith. Panels will address subjects such as the historical movement to win the vote in New  York State, how women have engaged in social and political movements since their enfranchisement, and the representative roles women fulfill today at the local, state and national levels.

“Women in Politics: Past, Present & Future” is a collaborative effort involving The Benjamin Center, the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, the New York State League of Women Voters, the Rockefeller Institute of Government with support from the College’s Department of History, Department of Political Science & International Relations, Department of Sociology and the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program.

Tickets for Friday night at the FDR Library are limited: $75 includes a cocktail reception and dinner. Saturday-only registration is $35 and includes breakfast and lunch. The Saturday proceedings will be live-streamed at A post-conference workshop will be held for K-12 teachers’ curricular development.

Suffrage CentennialsimagesFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event. And don’t forget to pass on women’s suffrage storytelling to the next generation. Suffrage Centennial videos on Vimeo.

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“Spirit of 1776” women’s suffrage wagon has been moved, plus suffrage centennial news notes!

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Spirit of 1776 suffrage wagon to be on exhibit in 2017 at NYS Museum on Vimeo.

The State of New York launched the 100th anniversary of women voting in the state on March 1, 2017 with a women’s history exhibit up for public view for thirty days. Now the “Spirit of 1776” wagon has been moved over to the New York State Museum where it is promoting the large women’s suffrage exhibit at the museum in November 2017. That exhibit will be on view through May 2018.

IN OTHER NEWS: The 2020 Women’s Vote Centennial has a Facebook page. The Women’s Vote Centennial Initiative (WVCI) is a collaborative effort created to share information and stimulate activities around the country in the years leading up to 2020. It is run by a volunteer task force, that represents the various segments of the historical women’s suffrage movement, contemporary women’s organizations, and scholars. For more information.

Suffrage CentennialsimagesFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event. And don’t forget to pass on women’s suffrage storytelling to the next generation. Suffrage Centennial videos on Vimeo.

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Olivia Twine radio interview & “Yellow Wallpaper” final tour: Suffrage Centennial News Notes

Listen to the “NonFiction Railroad” interview of Olivia Twine from WIOX radio in the Catskill Mountains of New York State. “The Writer’s Voice” moderator Bonnie Lykes-Bigler asks Twine, a contributing editor to, about the 2017 New York State suffrage centennial. Olivia provides us with a fascinating overview of her work relative to suffrage and women’s history. In 2015, the town of Woodstock, New York passed a resolution encouraging its residents to honor its women’s history and to participate in the 2017 suffrage centennial. Olivia’s recent article on the state centennial highlights upcoming special events and exhibits during 2017.


“The Yellow Wallpaper” stars Michèle LaRue in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s feminist thriller. In 1885, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a vibrant young woman and dedicated writer, was brought to her knees by marriage, a well-meaning husband, and a questionable “cure.” Relying on blind faith, instinct, and courage, she willed herself back to health. Perhaps the single element most vital to her recovery was the writing of “The Yellow WallPaper” published in 1892. Turning autobiography to fiction, the story continues to fascinate readers today. This production—a faithful dramatization directed by Warren Kliewer—is fully staged and performed in period costume. Availability: through December 2017. Running time: one hour. Fee: $650, plus travel expenses as negotiated. Fee includes Q&A promotional materials, technical requirements list, playbill master. For more information:

Suffrage CentennialsimagesFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event. And don’t forget to pass on women’s suffrage storytelling to the next generation. Suffrage Centennial videos on Vimeo.

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Plan a trip in 2017—New York State women’s suffrage centennial—also ERA news note!

News Notes for Women’s Suffrage Centennial events & celebrations! on Vimeo.

Now that the 2017 state suffrage centennial has been launched, the next step is to plan a trip to touch into some of the festivities. is one source for news and events. State events are being viewed as getting prepared for 2020, the national suffrage centennial observance when women will have been voting for 100 years. Also underway is progress on the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would guarantee equal rights for American women.

The ERA Coalition has announced the Nevada legislature’s vote to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Many Americans believe the Constitution already guarantees women equal rights, but it doesn’t. The Equal Rights Amendment was passed by Congress in 1972 and ratified by 35 states, three states short of the 38 needed to put an amendment in the Constitution. Nevada’s action to ratify the ERA, the first such vote since 1977, highlights the growing awareness of and support for the Equal Rights Amendment. The ERA Coalition stresses the need to help combat pay inequity, pregnancy discrimination, and gender-based violence.

In North Carolina, legislation to ratify the ERA was introduced in the state Senate and House in February 2017. Ten local resolutions in support of this legislation have already been passed. Ongoing recent efforts to ratify the 1972 Equal Rights Amendment include bills in Illinois, Virginia, Florida and Utah.

“Sex equality is good for men, families, and communities, as well as women” said Jessica Neuwirth, President of the ERA Coalition. “We are way behind the rest of the world in prohibiting sex discrimination in our Constitution – it’s long overdue.” The ERA Coalition represents 73 member organizations and millions of women and men who are working for passage and ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment and for greater public understanding of the need for equal treatment of women under the law. For more information:

Suffrage CentennialsimagesFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event. And don’t forget to pass on women’s suffrage storytelling to the next generation. Suffrage Centennial videos on Vimeo.

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News Notes about ERA postcards & 2020 women’s suffrage movement centennial observances!

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Highlights of Suffrage Centennials: From now to 2020, go where the action is! on Vimeo.

The Alice Paul Institute is publishing five special-edition postcards in order to give everyone a boost when contacting elected representatives. Sign the pledge sponsored by the ERA coalition.

NEWS ABOUT UPCOMING BOOKS ABOUT THE SUFFRAGE MOVEMENT: Barbara F. Berenson is preparing a book on the suffrage movement in Massachusetts. She expects publication by early 2019. Berenson has authored two books on the Boston area; her day job is senior attorney for the MA Supreme Judicial Court.

2020 NEWS: A national task force is inspiring and tracking events celebrating a century of women voting in the United States. There has been activity in Ohio, Kentucky, and New York State where a suffrage centennial exhibit opened at the State Capitol in Albany, NY on March 1, 2017.

The WVCI (2020 Women’s Vote Centennial Initiative) has a logo and five state chairs that so far include New York, Ohio, Massachusetts, Virginia, Missouri, Arkansas, and Washington state. To become a state chair or become part of the planning process, contact  To receive the Suffrage 2020 list serv monthly or request information about how to post, send an email with a message to or contact

Suffrage CentennialsimagesFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event. And don’t forget to pass on women’s suffrage storytelling to the next generation. Suffrage Centennial videos on Vimeo.

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PBS suffrage movement documentary for Women’s History Month—News Flash!

Dance to the music of the 2017 New York State suffrage centennial! on Vimeo.

Find out about the vote that changed history with the broadcast premiere of Perfect 36: When Women Won the Vote distributed through American Public Television. This half-hour documentary will air in March 2017 for Women’s History Month. One of the pivotal moments in U.S. history came in 1920 with passage of the 19th Amendment, an event celebrated in Perfect 36: When Women Won the Vote that tells the insightful, engaging, and colorful story behind Tennessee’s role as the crucial 36th state needed for ratification—and the vote of one man who made it possible.

Produced by Pretzel Pictures for distribution through American Public Television (APT), Perfect 36: When Women Won the Vote is available to public television stations nationwide. Learn more about the project online at

OTHER NEWS: Women’s Rights National Historical Park has partnered with the Seward House Museum in Auburn, NY to present a program titled “Seward Feminism” in the National Park Visitor Center’s Guntzel Theater on Saturday, March 11, 2017 at 1 p.m. Although often overlooked because of Secretary of State William Henry Seward’s high profile, the women of the Seward family contributed significantly to the spirit of reform sweeping through mid-19th-century America. Women’s Rights National Historic Park is open Friday through Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, visit their website or call (315) 568-2991. The Women’s Rights National Historical Park is located at 136 Fall Street, Seneca Falls, NY.

Suffrage CentennialsimagesFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event. And don’t forget to pass on women’s suffrage storytelling to the next generation. Suffrage Centennial videos on Vimeo.

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News about suffrage centennials and special events!

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Support the 2017 suffrage centennial for New York State. on Vimeo.

The “Spirit of 1776” suffrage campaign wagon used by Edna Kearns and other activists in New York’s state campaigns to win the vote is on exhibit during the month of March 2017 at the State Capitol in Albany, NY. Numerous programs and special celebrations are planned throughout the state. A conference at Cornell University sponsored by NYS Cultural Heritage Tourism on March 15th will feature what it takes to merge tourism with cultural resources such as women’s history and other sites celebrating the state’s legacy.


Upcoming “History in the Hall” Women’s History Exhibit: 100 Years: Votes for New York Women (1917-2017) at Suffolk County Historical Society, Long Island (Riverhead, NY)( When New York State women won the right to vote one hundred years ago—making 2017 the centennial of that historic civil rights victory—their success changed the national political landscape and was a critical tipping point on the road to a constitutional amendment. This exhibit celebrates the centennial by narrating the stories of Long Island women activists who dedicated themselves to the powerful grassroots movement. Curated by Wendy Polhemus-Annibell. On display beginning March 8, 2017.

IN OTHER NEWS: Convention Days, Inc. will honor the women and men who signed the movement’s foundational document, the Declaration of Sentiments, by recognizing the descendants of the document’s original signers. The 2017 Convention Days weekend is July 13 to 16. This year, 2017, marks the State of New York’s commemoration of 100 years of women’s full voting rights. The Declaration of Sentiments and the eleven resolutions adopted at the Seneca Falls Convention were signed by 100 of those in attendance—68 women and 32 men. Descendants of the original signers of the Declaration of Sentiments can register on the Convention Days website at or visit the Seneca Falls Visitor’s Center at 89 Fall Street, Seneca Falls, NY for more information.

Suffrage CentennialsimagesFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event. And don’t forget to pass on women’s suffrage storytelling to the next generation. Suffrage Centennial videos on Vimeo.

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Celebrations in Seneca Falls, NY this summer, plus big VOTETILLA!

Celebration of the anniversary of the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848! on Vimeo.


Join Women’s Rights National Historical Park for Convention Days 2017. This four-day event will feature speakers, historical interpreters, themed theater performances, activities for young people, and a Native American art exhibit.

Would you like to host a table at the event? Groups are welcome with themes of equality, human rights, civil rights, and women’s rights. Contact Ashley Nottingham at:

The park staff is also seeking various musical performances, singers, speakers, authors, etc that are involved with equality, human rights, civil rights, or women’s rights. If you are interested in performing at the NPS historic site at Seneca Falls, contact Ami Ghazala at:


The National Susan B Anthony Museum & House in Rochester, NY has launched plans to commemorate the centennial of woman suffrage in New York State with a VoteTilla – a weeklong navigational celebration – to take place along the Erie Canal from July 16 to 22, 2017. A core group of canal boats will set out from Seneca Falls and travel to Rochester, with a concluding celebration at the Anthony Museum on Madison Street.

VoteTilla boats will dock at several towns and villages along the route. Local residents and partner organizations are invited to share in the celebration by offering programming and excursions or by adding their own boats to the traveling fleet. Current partners include Bristol Valley Theatre, Canal Society of New York State, the City of Rochester, Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor, the RIT Women’s and Gender Studies Coordinating Committee, Rochester Museum & Science Center, Susan B Anthony Neighborhood Association, the Seward House, and the University of Rochester’s Susan B Anthony Center for Women’s Leadership.The VoteTilla celebration immediately follows both the Fourth of July bicentennial celebration of the New York State canals and the Convention Days weekend in Seneca Falls, NY.


On March 18, 2017 at 9 a.m. at Saratoga State Park (the Gideon Putnam Hotel), there will be a special program about Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Ellie Stearns has researched and written portrayals of “Women  of Vision” for schools and organizations throughout New York. She participated for many years in the National Park’s dramatizations of the 1848 Convention and portrayed Elizabeth Cady Stanton on C-Span’s Writers and Books series in 2001. There will be a breakfast buffet and the program is called “Breakfast with Elizabeth Cady Stanton.” Reserve by March 8th for the March 18th program. Tickets are $55, $75, and $100. Make checks payable to LWV-NY and mail to Steve Koebrich, 718 Malta Ave extn, Ballston Spa, NY 12020. Tax-deductible donations, except for the fair value of the breakfast ($25), go to the League of Women Voters, Saratoga Account, within the LWVNY-EF to support voter service programming.

Suffrage CentennialsimagesFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event. And don’t forget to pass on women’s suffrage storytelling to the next generation. Suffrage Centennial videos on Vimeo.

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Planning for 2020: Women’s Vote Centennial Initiative

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Suffrage centennials are taking the nation by storm! on Vimeo.

Planning for the 2020 national suffrage centennial is underway thanks to a volunteer task force that has been considering a logo for the celebration, among other ongoing plans. While there are many events and observances that qualify for suffrage centennial recognition, the 2020 Women’s Vote Centennial initiative is taking the lead by collecting information about events and celebrations planned for the nation’s suffrage centennial observance. There are stirrings in Washington State, Rhode Island, New York State, and other parts of the nation. Regular reports are being circulated in a listserv distributed among interested individuals and organizations.

Post to the listserv “Suffrage2020” by sending an email with a message to

Suffrage CentennialsimagesFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event. And don’t forget to pass on women’s suffrage storytelling to the next generation. Suffrage Centennial videos on Vimeo.

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Princess Sophia suffragette book is now in paperback—also new play in London!

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This long video from YouTube has great high-quality archival footage. The book about suffragette Princess Sophia is now in paperback from Bloomsbury. The play “Princess Suffragette” will be performed by the London Grey & Green Theatre Company from February 22-26, 2017. This contemporary (re)telling of Princess Sophia Duleep Singh’s journey, from her aristocratic upbringing as the daughter of an exiled Maharajah, to her political awakening as the first British-Asian suffragette that is said to be an “inventive new play about identity, risk and heart, and twist our notions of feminism as well as define moments of British and Indian history, through the eyes of an extraordinary woman.”

“Sophia: Princess, Suffragette, Revolutionary” on Vimeo.

A good read! Highly recommended, not only for the suffrage movement in England and Princess Sophia’s participation in it, but also her ties to India and the perspective of a young woman in exile in London.

Suffrage CentennialsimagesFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event. And don’t forget to pass on women’s suffrage storytelling to the next generation. Suffrage Centennial videos on Vimeo.

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