Who will carry the torch of freedom and equality into the future? We’re all ready. And we’re doing the work now, and we’re committed to the future. Social change does not happen overnight. It is incremental. It is layered. It is complicated. It is essential.
Category Archives: Blog
Are you ready to receive the equal rights amendment torch?
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Long Island suffrage campaigning in 1913-Suffrage storytelling highlights organizing!
It’s clear that grassroots organizing makes a difference. Make a commitment to the passage of equal rights for all citizens. The list of exceptions is challenging the most patient of us activists who have committed ourselves to freedom and justice.
Join the ERA Coalition. It’s free. And the staff is waiting to hear from you.
We stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us. We carry on the tradition the best we can. And we pass a torch to the future.
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Heavy politics relative to a US equal rights constitutional amendment…
Suffrage Centennials has been publishing since 2013. Our work is never finished.
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News & events about a US equal rights amendment to the Constitution
Lisa Sales, President, Virginia NOW is your “Journey to Equality” Cruise Director and should you have questions during our ride/hotel stay or should issues arise, she can be reached at: 703.624.0387.
The ERA Centennial Bus Send Off to Seneca Falls
- Where: U.S. Senate Swamp, East Side of the U.S. Capitol Building, Senate Side • Date: Thursday, July 20th, 2023
- Time: 1:
Del Lago Hotel & Casino
- Hotel Address: 1133 Route 414 Waterloo, NY 13165
- Hotel Phone: 315.946.1824
Departing Seneca Falls on Saturday, July 22nd
- Please be prepared to check out of your hotel room first thing Saturday morning and load your luggage into the “Party-for-the-USA Bus” as we will depart for Washington, D.C.’s Union Station immediately at the close of the program
Seneca Falls Convention Free and Paid Programming Sources
- Convention agenda which includes free and paid events:
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/era-centennial-convention-tickets-461810366237 • Activities and ongoings which include free and paid events:
https://www.womenofthehall.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/175ERA Weekend-Calendar-3-2.pdf
• Note: You will see overlapping events reflected in both
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The Passing of the Torch…to the future!
When you have an event, send us your photos that can be posted on the national ERA Coalition site.
After a year of publishing on an irregular schedule, I am passing the torch to the future. Just as my parents and ancestors passed the torch to me, I am passing it on. In the time allotted to me, I accomplished a great deal, and now it is time for a new generation to carry on.
COMMENTS FROM Marguerite Kearns
Last week I experienced “a beloved community.” It felt wonderful, and there was an acceptance of everyone for who they are and what they bring to a larger community. These are shifts based on horizontal values stuffed into a vertical structure. I’d like to think that this is different than what I thought and believed decades ago.
And the door is opening to SuffrageCentennials.com completing its grassroots mission.
The Kingian nonviolenee training is terrific. But don’t sign up before y9u give it serious thought.
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Why an equal rights amendment is urgent! A message from Suffrage Centennials!
It’s free to enter your organization as a member and work toward the passage of an equal rights amendment for the US Constitution.
In 2023, US women have spent 100 years working for an ERA.
Join us!
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Contact the ERA Coalition for a suffrage media toolkit…
Social Media Toolkit – Dobbs Anniversary Decision
The Supreme Court has shown a limited and regressive view of the rights conferred by our Constitution, and the Dobbs decision reaffirms why we need the Equal Rights Amendment. 2023 marks the centennial anniversary of the introduction of the ERA, and it’s clear that opponents of equality in Congress will continue to manipulate the government to further the second-class status of women and gender/sexual minorities in America. This is an announcement from the ERA coalition. We’re members. Are you?
Edna B. Kearns is ready for the next “smile and dial.”
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ERA Tour in the nation’s capitol
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SuffrageCentennials.com supports Suffrage Wagon News Channel when continuing Publishing
Suffrage Wagon News Channel is our sister site,
The good news is that Suffrage Wagon News Channel continues to publish on a regular basis. Support the New York State Museum in its continued efforts to permanently exhibit the symbol of grassroots organizing of women, the Spirit of 1776 suffrage campaign wagon.
SuffrageCentennials.com continues to publish on an irregular basis until the last volunteer collapses at the computer. Thank you, folks.
SuffrageCentennials.com has been publishing since 2013.
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Have your organization sign onto the ERA Coalition: it’s free!
We signed onto the ERA Coalition. If there’s a suffrage centennial observance we are thrilled to support, it’s getting an equal rights amendment passed to the US Constitution.
Why are we so persistent? Because we need all hands on deck to address the issues facing Planet Earth. Have you read about the efforts underway to keep women from attending school in the Middle East? Or the state legislation controlling women, our values, and our decisions in the US?
Sure, we want to be liked. We want to be honored for our attention to detail and our decision-making abilities. We do the best we can. And we are tired of being taken advantage of merely because we are “girls.”
We have looked carefully at ourselves and others. This means that we will please some and anger others.
Get used to it.
AND sign the petition in support of an equal rights amendment to the US Constitution.
Ask your organization to support an equal rights amendment to the US Constitution!
JULY 21-22, 2023.
SUFFRAGECENTENNIALS.COM has been publishing since 2013.
Tickets are available at ERAcoalition.org
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