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Who and what is causing the waves over women’s suffrage centennial events?

High Tea in the Spirit of 1776 on Vimeo.


The Women’s Vote Centennial (WVCI) is an on-the-ground initiative of those across the nation determined that the 2020 centennial of American women voting isn’t lost in the swamp of current events. Hosted by the NWP (the National Woman’s Party) in Washington, DC, the effort is driven by love and determination to make sure the centennial doesn’t come and go in a whimper. The initiative encourages local, state, and national recognition of this extraordinary grassroots campaign that started long before the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention that became a turning point in the struggle continuing to today. Follow the national organizing effort for 2020.

To volunteer, find out about programs and activities, visit the NWP web site.

If you have a project or event celebrating women’s initiatives, let us know. 


The Statue Fund for Central Park is breaking the bronze ceiling to create the first statue of real women in the 164-year history of NYC’s Central Park, the Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony Woman Suffrage Movement Monument, according to Pam Elam, president of the initiative. “For me this project is all about rethinking the past and reshaping the future. You may well wonder how we can do that with one statue. And the answer is that it’s not just about one statue of two figures with the names of many others incorporated in the design—it’s about a movement.

“It’s about the largest nonviolent revolution in the history of this nation when over half the population was enfranchised. It’s an instant history lesson. It’s an examination of how social change comes about. It’s learning from the past to do a better job of fighting for equality and justice in the future. It’s challenging municipalities all across this nation and this world to honor all the people who made those cities great by including tributes to women and people of color in their public spaces. But most of all, it’s about completing the journeys toward justice of the valiant women who came before us and achieving the full equality for women that they were denied. It’s about the incredible power of moving history forward.”

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Suffrage centennial events link food with women’s rights programming!

Food and Activism go together: From Suffrage Wagon Cooking School on Vimeo.

Suffrage Wagon Cooking School promotes vintage voting rights cookbooks with fundraisers, programs, and special celebrations. It’s fun. It’s authentic. And something we’re finding more often as the long struggle to win voting rights. Stop by the cooking school. Find out about demonstrations and tips.

OTHER SUFFRAGE NEWS:Beyond Suffrage: A Century of Women in New York Politics” opens October 11, 2017 at the Museum of the City of New York. 

Massachusetts has a suffrage centennial web site.

Women will Vote is one book due to be published in September 2017 from Cornell University Press that puts the suffrage organizing to win the vote in perspective. This has been difficult because the struggle took decades and encompassed many different organizations, strategies and tactics.

Hundreds of voting organizations and activists of many types worked for the same goal of voting rights for women. No one individual or organization stood for the varied tactics and goals of what many considered an impossible task of uniting American women under one banner of Votes for Women. There were tens of thousands of grassroots activists. While one organization may have made decisions to support one platform, dozens of other organizations chose other positions and strategies to reach the same goal.

Suffrage CentennialsFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event.

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More programs about women’s rights during 2017!

Patriotic protest women’s suffrage movement artifact on exhibit during 2017! from on Vimeo.

EqualiTEA on August 26, 2017, 2-4 p.m. in Lorton, VA. Turning Point Suffragist Memorial.

“HEAR THEM ROAR:   THE FIGHT FOR WOMEN’S RIGHTS” is a devised & environmental theatre performance directed by Nan Smithner. Program in Educational Theatre. LOCATION: Black Box Theatre. ADMISSION: $15 General, $5 Students & Seniors. For tickets, contact New York University box office. ONLINE: BY PHONE: 212-998-4941. IN PERSON: 566 LaGuardia Place (at Washington Square South). Performances: Friday, October 20 at 8 pm Saturday, October 21 at 8 pm Sunday, October 22 at 3 pm Thursday, October 26 at 8 pm Friday, October 27 at 8 pm Saturday, October 28 at 8 pm Sunday, October 29 at 3 pm.

Genesee Country Village & Museum, 1410 Flint Hill Road, Mumford, will host a women’s suffrage centennial luncheon at 11 a.m. Sept. 23. Sally Roesch Wagner will present “The Rest of the Story of the Suffrage Movement,” a dialogue about the issues of equality raised by the country’s suffrage foremothers. The luncheon will feature rebel soup and salmagundi served with suffrage salad dressing, from suffragette cookbooks published from 1886-1920 to raise money for the cause. The museum will offer activities that highlight equality efforts made by women during the 19th century.Cost is $40-$45 and includes admission to the museum. To purchase tickets, visit

Suffrage CentennialsFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event.

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August 26th special events to celebrate Women’s Equality Day!

Women voters: Voting rights didn’t come easy. Follow on Vimeo.

The National Woman’s Party and the National Park Service will hold an open house from 9 to 5 on Women’s Equality Day, August 26, for a special exhibit of the NWP’s collection in the Florence Bayard Hilles Feminist Library at the Washington DC location. Take a special tour and enjoy the programming with a park ranger that includes a historic interpreter of Lucy Burns and a special conversation. More programs to be announced!

The Tennessee Woman Suffrage Monument Board and friends will gather on August 26, 2017 at the suffrage monument in Centennial Park at 9:15 Nashville, TN from the front of the Parthenon on a short walk to the monument. The march begins at 9:30 a.m. and the program for 10-10:45. Some will dress in 1920s attire.

An exhibit at the New York State Fair (August 23-Sept. 4) celebrating the 2017 state suffrage centennial will be open throughout the fair at the Empire Expo Center (Syracuse, NY) in the Art & Home Center. The exhibit will feature the traveling panels of the New York State Museum’s upcoming exhibit, “Votes For Women: Celebrating New York’s Suffrage Centennial,” along with panels profiling leaders of the suffrage movement. I LOVE NEW YORK and Path Through History will provide a map highlighting 13 destinations around the state for further exploration of women’s rights. The exhibit will also display replicas of key suffrage movement documents as well as the Susan B. Anthony House’s 2020 Quilt, a collaborative textile art project celebrating the suffrage centennial.


On Women’s Day, Aug. 30, 2017 Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul will keynote the annual Women’s Day luncheon in the Empire Room. A reservation is required for the luncheon and seating is limited so registering as soon as possible is recommended. The cost is $20 which covers the luncheon, admission to the Fair, and parking. Call 315-487-7711 ext. 1265 for more information. The New York State Women’s Suffrage Commission, chaired by Lieutenant Governor Hochul, will meet in the exhibit room in the afternoon. An information fair linking women to important resources will take place at the Chevy Court Pavilion that day.


The Fair’s special day parade at 6 p.m. Aug. 30 will be led by reenactors portraying Susan B. Anthony and Matilda J. Gage. They will be joined by members of Girl Scout troops from around the state. The state fair is offering free admission to any Girl Scout and troop leader for Women’s Day. Troop leaders in the NYPENN Pathways Council can call 1-800-943-4414 ext. 2093 to receive tickets. Leaders of other troops in New York State should contact the Fair’s Public Relations Office at 315-487-7711 ext. 1377. The Girl Scouts patch celebrating the suffrage centennial will be on display in the suffrage centennial xxhibit.

Suffrage CentennialsFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event.

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A Call to Action about the 2020 suffrage centennial—Gazette from NWHP published!

Headlines about Women’s Suffrage News & Centennials on Vimeo.

“How Women Won the Vote” is the theme of the National Women’s History Project’s “Gazette,” a 24-page special issue. It includes a valuable “Call to Action” to alert citizens from coast to coast to get ready for the 2020 national suffrage centennial. A single copy is free. A total of 25 copies can be purchased for $10 from the NWHP store online.

The National Women’s History Project’s 2017 special edition devoted to the women’s suffrage grassroots movement is a pivotal and groundbreaking marker in time alerting Americans to write women back into history. This has been the vision of the NWHP for the past 35 years.

The “Call to Action” editorial doesn’t mention the debates that will inevitably surface with the passage of time on the national level. The focus instead is on recognizing the significance of this dramatic social movement and rally individuals and organizations to recognize our history for what it is—all of it. There is a great deal to acknowledge. The Gazette editorial reads in part:

“The Women’s Suffrage Centennial honors this specific part of American history. We encourage celebrations to keep the focus on the women who won the vote and not leave them behind in discussions of contemporary history. The anniversary is not the time for such general approaches as ‘women in America’ or ‘women in protest.’ Rather, it should mark the start of many shows, exhibits, discussions and art on the historic and spiritual importance of multicultural suffragists…”

To keep a 2020 national suffrage commission focused on history rather than politics will be a challenge. Some political operatives are already turning the 2020 national centennial into an ideological battleground with the appointment of those who will serve on the commission. It wasn’t long ago that most Americans didn’t understand the meaning of or they couldn’t pronounce the word “suffrage.” Even fewer were aware of what it meant. This is changing.

Don’t forget that the “How Women Won the Vote” issue is available for bulk distribution through the National Women’s History Project’s store. Prior issues of the NWHP’s publication have been popular among educators and organizations.

Suffrage CentennialsFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event.

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Suffrage Centennial News Notes 2017


“Protecting the Legacy” is a state-wide effort in Tennessee to digitize oral histories, photographs, documents, and other memorabilia on African American women’s political activity, voting history and suffrage. The project is organized by Chick History, a women’s history nonprofit, in partnership with Humanities Tennessee and a diverse set of committees and partners across Tennessee – as part of a statewide project to commemorate the upcoming centennial of the passage and ratification of the 19th Amendment in 2020.

The history project is looking for stories, photographs, letters, and family history about African-American women and activism as well as stories and experiences of early African-American women voters, 1930 and earlier. For more information about participating, please visit or email: The project will continue over the next two years.


News and information relevant to the history profession in New York State, including new digital and public history projects, events, scholarship, as well as reflections and suggestions on teaching and writing, reviews of (new and old) historically-oriented movies, TV shows, and books. To contribute, contact the Office of State History via email at: with a short pitch.


The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States of by any State on account of sex. On August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment was added to the U.S. Constitution, and women in America finally gained the legal right to vote.

For 97 years, women and men across the county have recognized this special observance. Rep. Bella Abzug (D-NY), had the U.S. Congress designate August 26 as “Women’s Equality Day” in 1971 to commemorate the 1920 certification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution.

Suffrage CentennialsimagesFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event.

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Roadside markers are an important part of 2017 suffrage centennial!

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Inspiration for visiting Harriet Tubman’s home, plus other historic sites! on Vimeo.

Roadside markers are being erected throughout New York State as part of the Pomeroy Foundation’s funding program. The most recent was to honor Helen Hinsdale Rich placed in front of the Richville (NY) Public Library. Nineteen historic markers in 12 counties, were established in July 2017 to commemorate women gaining the right to vote in New York State. Richville historian Lila Youngs says Helen Hinsdale Rich, and her husband Moses, raised their family in Richville, where Helen became well-known as a poet, and first took her stand for women’s suffrage. She studied at St. Lawrence University before traveling around the country writing and speaking in favor of women’s rights. She was a member of the National Woman’s Suffrage Committee in the 1890s.

Suffrage CentennialsimagesFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event.

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VoteTilla Schedule for 2017 NYS suffrage centennial!

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Votes for Women cultural heritage tourism & suffrage centennials are taking the nation by storm on Vimeo.

VoteTilla Schedule

Thursday—July 20, 2017

  • 10am—VoteTilla departs Fairport, NY
  • 11:35—Arrive Pittsford (Landing address is 24 State Street (Library), 14534)
  • 12noon-2pm—Scholars Luncheon with Tamar Carroll, Christine Kray, and Hinda Mandell: Nasty Women and Bad Hombres: Historicizing the 2016 Presidential Election, Pittsford Library, *ticketed event . 
  • 3:30 AKWAABA Reenactment: 
“A Time in the Life of FrederickDouglass, Shields Green, and A Woman Called ‘Moses’”
  • 4:00-5:00 VoteTilla Reenactors Programming  “A union in fact, a union in spirit”; Location: Gazebo 5:00-7:00pm—Smugtown Stompers (Gazebo)

Historic Pittsford programming takes place throughout the afternoon and evening, including children’s programming, book signings, and voter registration.

Friday—July 21, 2017

  • 9am—Depart Pittsford
  • 9:55am—Exit Lock E32
  • 10:40am—Exit Lock E33
  • 11:35am—Arrive at Genesee River Junction
  • 11:45 – 12:00 Airplane flyover with banner “VOTES FOR WOMEN”
  • 1:30pm—Arrive Corn Hill Landing
  • (Landing address 288 Exchange Blvd. Rochester, NY 14608)
  • 1 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m. – Guided tours of “Because of Women Like Her…Winning the Vote in New York State,” Woman Suffrage Centennial Exhibition, Harold Hacker Hall, Rundel Memorial Building, Central Library of Rochester & Monroe County, 115 South Ave. Tours leave from the brick courtyard next to West Edge Restaurant’s patio, Corn Hill Landing.
  • 1:30 p.m. Corn Hill Greets the Fleet – VoteTilla concludes its weeklong navigational celebration of women’s voices and votes when it arrives in Rochester, Corn Hill Landing. Music by Coreopia; welcoming remarks by Kathy Hodges, First Vice Regent, Irondequoit Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, City Historian Christine Ridarsky, and Corn Hill Historian JimDeVinney.
  • 2:00-3:00pm— VoteTilla Reenactors Programming;  Location: Corn Hill Landing
  • 3:00 AKWAABA Reenactment:
 “Cargo. . . No Loss or Damage”
  • 4:00pm— Telos Trio at Corn Hill Landing Site\
  • 5:00–10:00pm– City of Rochester ROC Women’s Music Fest, Concert at Parcel 5, Musical acts Meshell Ndegeocello, MC Lyte, Joan Osborne, Mikaela Davis, and Teagan and the Tweeds will take the stage;  food trucks on site.
  • Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the event or through com

Friday’s Featured Scholar: Victoria Wolcott
 Click here for Scholars’ Bios

Saturday—July 22, 2017

  • 10:30amBecause of Women Like Her Parade: The “Last Mile” of the route to the National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House will be celebrated with a parade.  [Registration required for groups or individuals marching—Registration closes Midnight, July 10] 11:15—Suffragist City Celebration “Pass by and get on with the work”
  • Food truck(s) on site
  • 12:30 pm Stool Ball in the Park Genesee Country Village Women’s Baseball Team
  • 1:00pm in SBAH&M Carriage House: World premier of Election Day 2016– A collaborative short documentary film by Rochester Documentary Filmmakers Group
  • 2:00–2:30 pm: Blanch Stuart Scott reenactor Judy Stiles will present a 15-minute program, followed by Q&A.
  • 2:30–3:00 pm in SBAH&M Carriage House: Presentation and book signing with Julie Cummins, author of Tomboy of the Air: Daredevil Pilot Blanche Stuart Scott;Women Explorers; and Women Daredevils.
  • 3:00 pm in SBAH&M Carriage House: Documentary screening “Election Day 2016” – A collaborative short documentary film by Rochester Documentary Filmmakers Group
  • 3:00-5:00 pm Forward into Light,Old Songs folk-theater performance which tells the story of American and NYS women’s suffrage in song and narrative. Under the big tent in park, reserved seat $20 (Photos, Videos, and Press Release here!) Purchase tickets here.

Sunday—July 23, 2017

  • 10:00 am—An Equal Right to Act: Remembering the Rochester Woman’s Right Convention of 1848. First Unitarian Church,  220 Winton Rd., Rochester

12 – 4 p.m. AAUW Suffrage Centennial Picnic, Perkins Mansion, 494 East Ave. Fried chicken, salads, cakes, and pie. Music and costumed historical reenactors, including Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Frederick Douglass. All are welcome! Share stories of family suffragists and ring the Remembrance Bell in honor of their legacy. Tour the mansion and view a display of suffrage memorabilia, including buttons, newspaper articles, photos, books on the history of suffrage, and a suffrage cartoon collections. Tickets available at $10 adults, $5 children, $5 tours.

Suffrage CentennialsimagesFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event. And don’t forget to pass on women’s suffrage storytelling to the next generation. Suffrage Centennial videos on Vimeo.

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Events for your calendar in Peterboro, NY: Through September 2017

The Peterboro Bloomer Brigade will host an In the Kitchen Tea on Saturday, September 23, 2017 honoring Elizabeth Smith Miller and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The Deli on the Green will prepare a menu inspired by Miller’s 1875 cookbook. The Ballots, Bloomers and Marmalade Weekend September 22-24, 2017, will focus on Elizabeth Smith Miller, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Angelina Grimké:

On the evening of Friday, September 22, 2017  the Oneida Public Library Players will present a readers theatre production of Off Base: The Great Peterboro Baseball Story, a play written by Tom Murray about the first recorded history of women playing baseball.


  • Morning Marmalade Refreshments hosted by the Peterboro United Methodist Church
  • Ballots, Bloomers and Marmalade: The Life of Elizabeth Smith Miller; author Norman K. Dann PhD
  • Bloomers, The Reform Costume; Jody Luce, the Tailor of Peterboro
  • Bloomer Girls: Women Baseball Players; Debra A. Shattuck, Provost Witherspoon College, Rapid City SD
  • In the Kitchen Tea; Deli on Green with Miller’s 1875 cookbook inspired menu. Bloomer Brigade hosts.
  • Cousins of Reform: Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Gerrit Smith; Norman K. Dann PhD, Peterboro NY
  • Elizabeth Cady Returns to Peterboro; reenacted by Melinda Grube PhD
  • Elizabeth and Anne Millers’ Suffrage Scrapbooks at Library of Congress, Rosemary Plakas, retired LOC
  • Monumental Women
  • Bloomers for the ‘80s
  • March on Washington 1-21-17
  • Suffrage Supper; Deli on Green with menu by Miller’s 1875 cookbook. Smithfield Youth Suffragists
  • Suffrage Song; Peggy Lynne, “The First Lady of Adirondack Music”


  • Tour of Gerrit Smith Estate National Historic Landmark with Norman K. Dann
  • Parity Breakfast
  • Abolition Movement Spawns Women’s Right Movement, Suzanne B. Spring PhD, Colgate University,
  • Launch Lunch: Library Partners Commence CommUNITY Read of INVENTION of WINGS, Betsy Kennedy, ED Cazenovia Public Library, and Carolyn Gerakopolous, Retired ED Oneida Public Library,
  • Angelina Grimké: Abolition and Women’s Rights Advocate
  • Angelina Grimké Weld and Peterboro Connections
  • Making History! Sally Roesch Wagner PhD, Matilda Joslyn Gage Home, Fayetteville NY
  • Making History Action

During the National Abolition Hall of Fame commemoration of the 2016 inductees to the Hall of Fame, a program on Angelina Grimké will be presented during the Abolition Symposia the afternoon of Saturday, October 21, 2017. On Sunday, October 22, to culminate the CommUnity Read on the Invention of Wings, Louise Knight, a researcher on Angelina and Sarah Grimké, will answer audience questions and discuss her upcoming 2018 biography on the Grimké sisters.

The Gerrit Smith Estate National Abolition Hall of Fame and Museum (5304 Oxbow Road, Peterboro NY 13134) has exterior exhibits open all year that include information on Smith’s support of women’s rights. The National Abolition Hall of Fame and Museum (5255 Pleasant Valley Road, Peterboro NY 13134) has a ten-panel exhibit of women’s rights, and banners for women inducted into the Hall of Fame. For updates and information: and 315-280-8828

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Planning an outing in July? Seneca Falls, NY is the place to go!

News Notes for Women’s Suffrage Centennial events & celebrations! on Vimeo.

Mark your calendar for Friday, July 14, 2017 from 5:30 to 9:30 pm at the New York Chiropractic College in Seneca Falls, NY. Tickets are $60 each. For reservations, call (315) 568- 5838 or stop by The Seneca Falls It’s a Wonderful Life Museum, 32 Fall St., Seneca Falls. For more information, call (315) 568-5838.

The celebration on July 14 is part of the NYS suffrage centennial, launched with a Thanksgiving Dinner Gala entitled “A Fine Agitation” followed by the premiere of a one-woman play about Dr. Mary Walker, the only American woman to receive the Medal of Honor. The dinner, being served at at the New York Chiropractic College, will be based on a 1916 Thanksgiving menu from The Hoag House, precursor to The Gould Hotel.

The gala will also commemorate the Centennial of the first woman elected to Congress, Jeanette Rankin from Montana. All women currently serving in Congress will be recognized as well as the 50th anniversary of Another Mother for Peace. Born in Oswego, New York, Dr. Mary Walker was one of the earliest women in the United States to earn a medical degree. When the Civil War broke out in 1861, she volunteered to work on the battlefields caring for the wounded. Denied a commission as a medical officer because she was a woman, she volunteered and was eventually appointed assistant surgeon. Captured in 1864, she spent four months as a prisoner of war in a Richmond prison. Dr. Walker lectured throughout the United States and abroad on women’s rights, equality, dress reform, health and temperance issues. She rejected corsets and hoop-skirted dresses, preferring to wear men’s trousers, jackets and a top hat.She was arrested in New York City for impersonating a man. Dr. Mary Walker was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls in 2000.

Suffrage CentennialsimagesFollow on Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event. And don’t forget to pass on women’s suffrage storytelling to the next generation. Suffrage Centennial videos on Vimeo.

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