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Women authors presenting on November 10 event in NYC

“How New York’s Women Got the Vote, and the Difference it Made,” a special program on Friday, November 10, 2017, 6:30 to 8pm, CUNY Graduate Center, Skylight Room, 365 Fifth Ave., between 34th & 35th St., NYC. One hundred years ago — nearly to the day — New York women won the right to vote. Two years later, after decades of struggle, it became national law. Why did earlier campaigns fail? What role did New York play in realizing this dream? And what happened after?

Lauren Santangelo, author of a forthcoming book on the movement in Gotham, discusses how activists built a successful coalition between 1870 and 1917. Susan Goodier, author with Karen Pastorella of the new book, Women Will Vote, will highlight the involvement of neglected groups, such as black women, in gaining the vote in New York, and the state’s importance to securing national legislation. Brooke Kroeger will present information about the men who helped make suffrage possible, drawing on her new work The Suffragents. The conversation will conclude with a preview of Dawn Scibilia’s documentary in progress, on the decades between feminism’s first and second wave. No RSVP required. Questions: Here’s the link:  

Gotham— the only academic blog devoted to NYC history, will devote November to woman’s suffrage history with special posts weekly.

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What’s all the fuss over Inez Milholland during women’s suffrage centennials?

Inez Milholland
INEZ MILHOLLAND (1886-1916) is the United States suffrage martyr. Inez gave her life while campaigning for the right of American women to vote. We honor because Inez represents the tens of thousands of activists like her, both leaders and grassroots organizers, who dedicated themselves to winning women’s voting rights from 1848 to 1920.
You may have seen photos of Inez on a horse leading the big women’s suffrage parade in Washington, DC in 1913. But you may not have connected this to the fact that Inez became the U.S. suffrage martyr three years later. Inez collapsed on a lecture platform while on the campaign trail in November 1916 to speak to citizens of the Western states about the importance of American women standing together and winning the right to vote.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: The following YouTube portrayal of Inez Milholland leading the 1913 women’s suffrage parade is enhanced by Hollywood, but you get the idea in this selection from “Iron Jawed Angels,” the 2004 HBO production. YouTube link.
This audio selection below about Inez Milholland highlights the outpouring of grief and appreciation expressed at a memorial service in December 1916.

Audio selection, Inez Milholland tribute, 1916, in Washington, DC at the time of her death. From Jailed for Freedom by Doris Stevens, 1920. Audio by Librivox. Edited by Suffrage Wagon News Channel. For resources and Inez Milholland information, consult

Memorial service for U.S. suffrage martyr, Inez Milholland, in 1916: a suffrage centennial special! on Vimeo.

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Women’s suffrage anthology launch party—plus other NYS readings!

Thursday, October 26, 2017 is the reading and launch party for “NY Votes for Women” at the History Center in Tompkins County (Ithaca, NY). Twenty-one women explore these questions in a variety of engaging memoirs, stories and poems. Join Cayuga Lake Books, the Anthology editors, and readers. Order the book online. Another reading is scheduled for Fayetteville, NY at the Matilda Joslyn Gage House. 

Publisher: Cayuga Lake Books (September 26, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1681111993
ISBN-13: 978-1681111995
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.3 x 9 inches

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Big time in Albany, NY during November 2017!

The “Votes for Women” exhibit at the New York State Museum opens November 4, 2017 in Albany, NY. The “Spirit of 1776” suffrage wagon has been exhibited in 2010, 2012, and during 2017. The show opening November 4th is the show of all shows. The suffrage wagon is part of the exhibit, and there is so much more to see. The video below is from 2010—a comparison, and one that we treasure. The upcoming show is a MUST SEE!

What happened when the “Spirit of 1776” was exhibited in 2010! on Vimeo.

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Suffrage Centennials are rocking the cradle!

Headlines about Women’s Suffrage News & Centennials on Vimeo.

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Upcoming women’s suffrage events: Original suffrage play at NYU

NYU Steinhardt’s Program in Educational Theatre will stage two events to celebrate the women of New York State winning the right to vote a century ago, exploring the historical context through the individuals who fought for the cause. A newly created play entitled Hear Them Roar: The Fight for Women’s Rights investigates the untold stories of the suffragists of 1917, including women of color, immigrants, and the men (or “suffragents”) who helped win the vote.

Under the direction of Nan Smithner, professor of educational theatre at NYU Steinhardt, the play was devised by an ensemble of 15 actors, who wrote and created the scenarios by deeply researching historical facts of the time. The show is conceived as an environmental theatre performance, with scenes related to the struggle for women’s rights taking place in Washington Square Park. These scenes are then connected thematically to present day issues in the last half of the show, performed in Pless Hall’s Black Box Theatre.

The audience for Hear Them Roar: The Fight for Women’s Rights will meet at the Black Box Theatre, located at 82 Washington Square East (entrance on Washington Place), and will stroll from scene to scene throughout the performance. Hear Them Roar: The Fight for Women’s Rights runs for seven performances between Friday, October 20 and Sunday, October 29. For a list of performance dates and times, visit the NYU Events Calendar. Tickets are $15 general admission and $5 for students and seniors. For tickets, contact NYU Box Office at, call 212.998.4941, or visit in person at 566 LaGuardia Place (at Washington Square South). The Program in Educational Theatre will also present Upon a White Horse, the latest event in its Storytelling Series at the Provincetown Playhouse, produced by storyteller and NYU Steinhardt adjunct professor Regina Ress.

While many fought for women’s suffrage, one woman in particular stands out for her aptitude for drawing attention to the cause: Inez Milholland, a 1912 graduate of the NYU School of Law. Milholland may be best remembered sitting astride a white horse, channeling Joan of Arc, and leading parades down New York City’s Fifth Avenue and Washington, D.C.’s Pennsylvania Avenue to fight for women’s rights. Called the New York Times’ “Poster Girl of Radicalism,” this labor lawyer, war correspondent, and outspoken crusader for social justice literally worked herself to death for the cause of women’s suffrage. Storyteller Darci Tucker will bring her back to life on Sunday, October 22 at 1 pm at the Provincetown Playhouse (133 Macdougal Street). Upon a White Horse is free and open to the public, and is appropriate for adults and youth 12 and older. For more information:

Steinhardt’s Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions, established in 1925, instructs over 1,600 students majoring in music and performing arts programs. Music and Performing Arts Professions serves as NYU’s “school” of music and is a major research and practice center in music technology, music business, music composition, film scoring, songwriting, music performance practices, performing arts therapies, and the performing arts-in-education (music, dance, drama, and storytelling).

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Great suffrage centennial program at NYU during October 2017!

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Votes for Women exhibition catalog available!

Votes for Women, an exhibition catalog (available from Amazon and other retailers), celebrates the pivotal role New York State played in the struggle for equal rights in the nineteenth century, the campaign for New York State suffrage, and the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment. The exhibition of the same name, on display at the New York State Museum starting November 4, 2017 through May of 2018, features artifacts from the New York State Museum, Library, and Archives, as well as historical institutions and private collections across the state.

The authors include Jennifer A. Lemak, Chief Curator of History at the New York State Museum. She is the author of Southern Life, Northern City: The History of Albany’s Rapp Road Community and (with Robert Weible and Aaron Noble) An Irrepressible Conflict: The Empire State in the Civil War, both also published by SUNY Press. Ashley Hopkins-Benton is a senior historian and curator at the New York State Museum and the author of Breathing Life Into Stone: The Sculpture of Henry DiSpirito.

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November 2017 suffrage festivities and focus in New York State


The New York Women’s Vote Centennial Project is a partnership on the NYS governor and lt. governor and the American Federation of Teachers and First Book celebrating the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage in New York on November 6, 2017. The competition invites teachers to develop classroom projects and activities to mark the suffrage centennial. Fifteen winners will be chosen.

Projects may focus on women’s history, civic engagement, the democratic process, equal rights, or a related topic. Educators and students are encouraged to explore the question: 100 years from now, when future generations look back, what will our equal rights legacy be?  Projects for any grade, K-12, will be considered. October 11, 2017 is the application deadline.

The New York State Women’s Suffrage Commission, chaired by Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul, is organizing programs to commemorate women’s suffrage between 2017, To learn more, visit


The New York Women’s Suffrage Centennial Conference, celebrating the centennial of women’s suffrage in New York State, will be held on Saturday, November 4 at the Archives Partnership Trust headquarters located at the Cultural Education Center, 222 Madison Avenue, Empire State Plaza in Albany.

The celebration continues after the conference when the League of Women Voters of New York State Education Foundation and the New York State Archives host an opening reception of Votes for Women: Celebrating New York’s Suffrage Centennial. Votes for Women is an exhibition organized by the New York State Museum to commemorate the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote in New York State. For more information on the evening reception and for tickets, click here.

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Events and observances associated with suffrage centennials!

Watch the Video

Votes for Women cultural heritage tourism & suffrage centennials are taking the nation by storm! on Vimeo.


Saturday, November 4, 2017 is a conference sponsored by the New York State Archives Partnership Trust at the Cultural Education Center, 222 Madison Avenue, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY. For information: 518-465-4162. It’s good news that suffrage centennial observances and celebrations will attract visitors to gatherings like this one.


Pam Elam, president of the initiative to build a women’s suffrage statue in Central Park in NYC, says no one can expect that one statue will meet all the needs and desires of so many people who have been waiting so long for it. “Our statue project represents a long-overdue beginning. The timing is right as we get ready to celebrate the national woman suffrage centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment and the 200th anniversary of the birth of Susan B. Anthony, both in 2020. We hope that our effort will encourage others around the country and around the world to honor the women who inspire them in whatever ways they feel appropriate. Together, let’s make people aware of a history that fully, fairly, and finally includes the vast and varied roles women have played in it.”

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