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Women’s marches all over the United States on January 20, 2018!

One example of the many women’s marches scheduled for January 20 and 21, 2018 in the United States and around the world. One theme is the importance of voting and women running for elected office. A gathering to honor Inez Milholland, America’s suffrage martyr, will be held at Milholland’s grave in Lewis, New York. This is the second such event honoring Milholland.

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Gathering at the grave of Inez Milholland in Lewis, NY!

Second Annual Adirondack Women’s March Planned at the grave of Inez Milholland in Lewis NY on Saturday, January 20, 2018

In January 2017, in conjunction with the Women’s March on Washington, more than 600 Sister Marches took place, including one in the Adirondacks, at the grave of Inez Milholland in Lewis, NY. “It seemed historically symbolic to hold the January 2017 Adirondack Women’s March at Inez’s grave,” said organizer Sandra Weber, “since it was in solidarity with the march in Washington.”

To celebrate Inez and her fight for equality and human rights, about 400 people climbed the snowy, icy hill in Lewis Cemetery on January 21, 2017. “I was humbled by the massive turnout,” said Weber. “People drove from Vermont, Montreal, and all across the region. We had babies, children and youths, all the way up to 90-year-olds.”

In January 2018, the event will be held again. Organizers Sandra Weber and David Hodges are planning a combination of rally, march, and community celebration, for Saturday, January 20, 2018. The aim of the event is to show solidarity with women around the world. The event will begin at 11:00 am at the grave of Inez Milholland at the top of hill in Lewis Cemetery. The program will include a welcome address, poems, songs, and grave ceremony. Attendees are encouraged to bring signs, flags, and/or flowers to lay on Inez’s grave.

After the program, the march will commence down the hill to the new Inez Milholland roadside marker (at the corner of Route 9 and Fox Run Road), then up Route 9 to Lewis Veterans’ Park, and back past the Lewis Town Hall to the Lewis Congregational Church parsonage. At the parsonage, there will be soup, bread, hot drinks, and goodies. A lively program of sing-alongs, memories of 2017, and inspirational thoughts for the future is planned. Also, the Town of Lewis is graciously opening the town hall from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm so marchers can view the town exhibit about Inez and the Milholland family.

A special highlight of the Adirondack Women’s March 2018 — two showings of “Forward Into Light,” the short film produced by Martha Wheelock about the life of Inez Milholland. Viewings will take place at 10:30am (before the march) and at 1:00pm in the church parsonage. A short Q&A, moderated by Kathy Linker and Sandra Weber, will follow each showing. Women’s March events are also being held in Glens Falls (at noon) and Plattsburgh (at 3:00).

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Annual fundraising luncheon at Susan B. Anthony House in Rochester, NY

We’re off to the Susan B. Anthony Museum & House in Rochester, New York! on Vimeo.

Valentine’s Day or February 14th in 2018 is the bicentennial of the date Frederick Douglass chose as his birthday, and it’s a day before Susan B. Anthony’s 198th birthday on the 15th.

Elaine Weiss will be the keynote speaker on February 14th for the 2018 Susan B. Anthony birthday luncheon at the Susan B. Anthony House in Rochester, NY. Weiss, a journalist and author of  The Woman’s Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote, will highlight the dramatic climax of the woman’s suffrage movement. The book will be published by Viking in March 2018. Weiss has presented at the Library of Congress, National Archives, Smithsonian Museum of American History, Hull House, the Chautauqua Institution, and many libraries, historical societies, and universities.

Individual seats and group tables may be reserved by calling 585-279-7490 x 10. Contact Lesia Telega at 585-279-7490 x 12 for more information.

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“The story of Inez Milholland continues,” by Regina Ress

With women’s suffrage icon and New York University Law school graduate Inez Milholland as our inspiration, students, faculty and staff of NYU’s Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions created two major productions in the fall of 2016 focusing on the breakthrough passage of women’s right to vote in New York State on Nov. 6, 1917.

Darci Tucker, a storyteller specializing in bringing historical figures to life, created a performance for the storytelling series at NYU’s Provincetown Playhouse about women’s suffrage activist Inez Milholland. Entitled Upon a White Horse, her show was a combination of storytelling and Chautauqua talk with a question and answer session at the end. Dressed in a period costume, Tucker strode onto the stage fully in character as Milholland. In the guise of hosting a rally, she presented a quick talk about the history of the suffrage movement. Then, in first-person, she told some of her own story about participating in the movement. In the discussion that followed, more of Milholland’s story was shared with the audience.

At the end of Darci Tucker’s show, many audience members crossed Washington Square Park and attended a matinee of the play Hear them Roar. Under the direction of Professor Nan Smithner, a cast of students, faculty and a few outside performers were invited to join the fun. They created a “devised theatre” piece focused on the historic 1917 vote. The student writers researched many issues and activists, both pro-and con, involved with the vote in NY. Historical figures such as Carrie Chapman Catt, Max Eastman, Japanese suffragist Komoko Kimura, and leading anti-suffragist Josephine Dodge interacted with characters representing many of the groups and issues that formed the complex history of women’s rights, civil rights, and women’s suffrage over one hundred years ago.

After one of the performances, Professor Burt Neuborne, who held the Inez Milholland Chair at NYU Law for ten years, and NYU journalism professor Brooke Kroeger, who wrote the recent book The Suffragents: How Women Used Men to Get the Vote, presented a “talk back” session for the cast and audience.

Attendees at both Upon a White Horse and the nine performances of Hear them Roar (which included two special shows for middle school students), along with those of us immersed in the creation of these events, came away from the experience with a deepened understanding of the characters, the context, and the complexities of the suffrage struggle.

At the end of the play, the actors came forward as themselves to proclaim what issues they will “use their voices for” now. As we all know, the struggle for women’s rights, indeed, humans rights, has not ended. We, at NYU, were thrilled to be able to bring to the public these two intertwined productions that gave a bow to the fabulous group of people who fought for women’s suffrage and the rights of all to have a voice in our democracy.

Award winning storyteller, actor, and educator Regina Ress has performed and taught for over fifty years from Broadway to Brazil in English and Spanish in a wide variety of settings from grade schools to senior centers, from homeless shelters and prisons to Lincoln Center and the White House. She teaches storytelling at New York University and produces the long-running storytelling series at the historic Provincetown Playhouse in NYC.

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Hot Tea Month in January and letter from Pat Wirth about Turning Point Suffragist Memorial!

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Keep the tea pot hot for Susan B. Anthony’s birthday party in February! on Vimeo.


Dear Friends,

We’re in the midst of a resurgence of political participation in American democracy.  In 2017, women marched for equality in unprecedented numbers.  They flooded their representatives’ phone lines and filled town halls across the country to make their voices heard on critical issues.  Thousands of women attended programs to learn how to run for office; they not only declared their candidacies in record numbers, but they won in record numbers.

Today’s equal rights advocates are reminiscent of what millions of women, known as suffragists, began fighting for in 1848 in a small town in upstate New York – Seneca Falls.  They never gave up and won voting rights for every American woman. Five million crusaders from every walk of life fought 72 years to win the vote. Ratification of the 19th Amendment achieved the greatest expansion of democracy on a single day the world had ever seen, yet few know the full story behind this movement that included scores of women who picketed the White House who were falsely arrested, jailed, beaten, tortured and denied all civil liberties. Our association intends to honor all these unsung heroines with a national memorial that will elevate them and their triumph to their rightful place in history; it will be dedicated on the centennial anniversary of this significant milestone, August 26, 2020.

Your chance to make a legacy gift to help build this national memorial is rapidly closing.  The unfinished business of honoring “America’s original wonder-women” – as I like to think of them – is a once in a life-time opportunity.  We welcome all donations; for a minimum of $1,000 you can have your (or your designee’s) name inscribed on the memorial’s Donor Wall in perpetuity to become a part of our country’s living history.  Large gifts, financial or in-kind, warrant naming rights of specific memorial design elements and other perks; pledges are welcome.  We are anxious to complete the memorial so that we can establish the Turning Point Institute that will provide programming for youth from around the country to further the appreciation and advancement of America’s democratic values and electoral practices.

You most likely know that Congress just passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. There is concern that this may sharply reduce the number of taxpayers who qualify for the charitable tax deduction — a big driver of gifts to nonprofits. Please take advantage of making your and/or your company’s tax-deductible gift to Turning Point before December 31, 2017. Donations can be made on-line at or checks made payable to TPSMA can be mailed to Turning Point Suffragist Memorial Association, 5400 Ox Road, Fairfax Station, VA  22039.

For further information and to see renderings of the memorial please visit our website, Kindly contact me directly with your questions at 703-201-3171 or by email. Thank you!

Warm regards, Pat Wirth

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Suffrage activities for 2019 and 2020 announced!

The National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites is developing a grassroots Votes for Women Trail to highlight the role of each state in the 72-year battle to achieve women’s suffrage. Will you join this effort? Each state will hopefully appoint a coordinator to research those sites with a history with the women’s suffrage movement.  This information will be entered into a comprehensive database and interactive nationwide map that will represent the story of the struggle for women’s suffrage.

Interested in assisting? Please contact Marsha Weinstein today at or call her at 502-819-2537. In 2020, the United States will celebrate the 100th anniversary of passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. It took 72 long years from the adoption of the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments in 1848 at the First Women’s Rights Convention held in Seneca Falls, NY.

The Alice Paul Institute is working to bring leadership to the attention of young women. The t-shirts are part of this effort.

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The latest from Suffrage Centennials!

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Will “Spirit of 1776” be on exhibit in 2020? on Vimeo.

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Suffrage centennials are hot now!

News Notes for Women’s Suffrage Centennial events & celebrations! from on Vimeo.

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Women’s suffrage festivities in early November 2017 in Albany, NY

Saturday, November 4, 2017 was a big day for the New York State suffrage centennial in Albany, NY. The conference during the day sponsored by the NYS Cultural Heritage Tourism Network was a highlight, along with a reception during the evening hosted by the NYS League of Women Voters to coincide with the opening of the NYS “Votes for Women” exhibit at the New York State Museum. The exhibit, four years in the making, is on display through May 2018.

New York State is celebrating its 2017 suffrage centennial! on Vimeo.

State of New York rolls out red carpet for 100 years of women voting on Vimeo.

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Three audio podcasts highlighting “Jailed for Freedom”


(1.) “Trouble Brewing in Seneca Falls.” Podcast #1. Podcast #2. Podcast #3. Podcast #4. Podcast #5. Podcast #6. Podcast #7. The story of the women of Seneca Falls, NY who planned the 1848 women’s rights convention. How they had to get out of their comfort zone to pull off a social revolt in mind and spirit that sent shock waves through the nation.

(2.) “Playing Politics with the President.” Podcast #1. Podcast #2. Podcast #3. Podcast #4. Podcast #5. Podcast #6. Podcast #7. Podcast #8. Podcast #9. How it became evident from 1913 to 1917 that bolder tactics and strategies would become necessary for women to win the right to vote. The “polite” strategy no longer worked. Success came about as a result of everyone working together, plus the mix of feisty devil-may-care types who collaborated with the more traditional types of women.

(3.) “The Night of Terror.” Podcast #1. Podcast #2. Podcast #3. Podcast #4. Podcast #5. Podcast #6. Podcast #7. Podcast #8. The story of how militant women suffrage activists were beaten and terrorized one night in their prison cells near the nation’s capitol in 1917. This audio narrative isn’t for the faint of heart. And it doesn’t represent all of the suffrage activists, but rather a segment of them who didn’t mind stepping out of women’s traditional roles.

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