Category Archives: Blog

Hints that the 2020 suffrage centennial is getting closer!

The upcoming 2020 national suffrage centennial is getting closer. One way to tell is the appearance of first wave women’s rights activists like Alice Paul appearing in a major network show, “Timeless.” She is framed for murder and needs a top woman Sherlock type to bail her out. It’s the second season of “Timeless,” episode 7.

Alice Paul is identified as being responsible, due to her persistence, with the passage and ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Alice herself wouldn’t have insisted on the credit. Many tens of thousands of women across the nation participated in the agitation for decades.

And Alice Paul wouldn’t have called herself a “suffragette,” which is part of the TV promotion for the show, even though she did work in England with the suffrage movement there. American activists would have more likely called themselves “suffragists” than “suffragettes.”

It is about time that the entertainment industry recognizes a part of American history that has been marginalized for most of the 20th century. We’ll be hearing more about these courageous activists as 2020 approaches when U.S. women will have been voting for 100 years.

Follow We have been publishing since 2013. The UK is celebrating its suffrage centennial in 2018. Image is from “Timeless” publicity.

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Reminder about New York Museum exhibit closing soon!

May 13, 2018 is the closing of the “Votes for Women”exhibit at the New York State Museum in Albany, New York. It will be your last chance to see the wagon on exhibit for now anyway. And the suffrage exhibit is terrific. For more information about the wagon:

Also, keep in mind that the honoring of Inez Milholland, the U.S. suffrage martyr, continues with her centennial blog:  Her centennial web site: continues publishing. Link up with us as the 2020 national suffrage centennial approaches in 2020. Follow by email, Twitter, and Facebook.

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Help with the Equal Rights Amendment!

The work is ongoing to push toward the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment on or before 2020 when U.S. women will have been voting for 100 years. In the above video, Honorable Rep.Lou Lang, sponsor of ERA in the Illinois House, shares his optimistic perspective on the ERA.

The ERA passed the Illinois Senate and it is still to go before the state House. There is a virtual phone bank for the ERA. Ratify ERA Illinois activists have set up virtual, open phone banks for the 10 top priority target districts in Illinois. Volunteers can call from anywhere. All you need is a computer and a phone. You will be calling friendly voters who live in the target districts, asking them to call their state reps. and advocate for the ERA. And ask them to attend the Rally in Springfield (IL) on May 8.

Phone numbers and scripts are all provided. Fill out this form and instructions will be emailed to you. Here’s the Facebook event about it: Virtual Phone Bank for the ERA


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Suffrage Centennial News and Views! Louise Slaughter & New York State Museum

The New York State Museum has its “Votes for Women” exhibit on view through May 13, 2018.The “Spirit of 1776” suffrage wagon is in the museum lobby. Make sure you see it NOW!

The “Spirit of 1776″suffrage wagon is on exhibit through Mother’s Day in 2018.

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Suffrage Movement Information—More of it than ever!

Surf the internet with an inquiring mind and it’s amazing what can be found. Make sure you know the difference between the words “suffragist” and “suffragette.” Here’s a resource.

The Pomeroy Foundation has been funding suffrage-related road markers through New York State. These markers are attractive and add value to a community’s awareness of its history. The suffrage marker program has been popular, according to Pomeroy representatives. Contact the Pomeroy Foundation for news of past accomplishments and new programs coming soon.

Volunteers have been doing a fabulous job tracking new books and a straight forward way of presenting the suffrage movement in its larger context, especially race issues, so the subject matter is accessible to those of us following the long and difficult struggle for women’s rights that continues to this day. It’s worth signing up for the listserv and following the web site. It’s an amazing example of what can be accomplished with determination and persistence by an ever-growing group of people across the nation.

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“Votes for Women” exhibit on view at New York State Museum to Mother’s Day 2018!

“Spirit of 1776” wagon on exhibit at the New York State Museum in Albany, NY through May 2018! on Vimeo.

Walk through the front door of the New York State Museum in Albany, New York and the exhibit’s impact is felt immediately in the lobby when viewing the “Spirit of 1776” horse-drawn suffrage campaign wagon used by Quaker activist Edna Buckman Kearns in New York City and Long Island in 1913.

Turn to the right in the direction of the museum’s West Gallery and enter a foyer where larger-than-life images of women activists bridge the past and present. These activist heroines peer at us from 1917, 1977, and 2017 with determined and persistent expressions that keep museum visitors from feeling distant from the exhibit’s content. New York State is the cradle of the women’s rights movement in the United States. Most Americans aren’t even aware of this.

“Votes for Women: Celebrating New York’s Suffrage Centennial” is a large-scale exhibition at the New York State Museum with a companion catalog reflecting a collaboration between three state agencies that will keep this display on public view through May 13, 2018. New York’s men voters approved extending the ballot to women in 1917 after a difficult uphill effort by the state’s women over seven decades.

“Votes for Women” is an exhibit dedicated to the cause of freedom. Several hundred people attended a suffrage history conference sponsored by the NYS Cultural Heritage Tourism Network, in addition to a reception hosted by the NYS League of Women Voters on November 3, 2017, the day before the exhibition opened to the public.

Spirit may be difficult to put into words, but the collection of banners, memorabilia, symbols, tools, multi-media aids, and information panels presented a powerful, stimulating, and provocative reminder of decades of struggle for voting rights.

The exhibit is open to Mother’s Day in May 2018. This is a “must see.”

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The State of Massachusetts is roaring toward the 2020 suffrage centennial celebration!

The State of Massachusetts has announced its plans for 2020, and some of the planning has already been put in place.

The Women’s Suffrage Celebration Coalition of Massachusetts has been partnering with the Commonwealth Museum to present a “Suffragist of the Month” display of panels that started in August 2017 and is expected to run through August 2020, the centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment. By the completion of the project, all of the names listed on the last panel, “Prominent Suffragists,” will have a panel. The Women’s Suffrage Celebration Coalition of Massachusetts can be reached at 617-209-9835.

IN OTHER NEWS: Nevada women have their 2020 suffrage centennial web page up and running. New Mexico women are doing the legwork to investigate placing a suffrage plaque at the state capitol in Santa Fe. New Mexico’s state’s suffrage history is summarized in an excellent article. Humanities New York has done a remarkable job of supporting and funding special events, especially during the 2017 NYS suffrage centennial.

The number of events about the suffrage movement on the state level is noteworthy. One source of information has been a calendar published by the NYS suffrage commission. The mainstream media has an uneven record of covering the suffrage movement, but this should change by 2020. Social media and local newspapers have been covering local events. Publishers have been cranking out books on the topic. Stay current with the news as we can publish it at

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See “Spirit of 1776” suffrage wagon at New York State Museum in Albany, NY before exhibit closes!

Women Voters: Plan for 2020, the U.S. voting rights centennial! on Vimeo.

The “Votes for Women” exhibition at the New York State Museum in Albany, NY closes on Mother’s Day in May 2018. It goes back into the museum warehouse. But buckle up. We have our fingers crossed that the wagon will be seen during 2020. That’s the year of the national suffrage centennial, and hopefully the wagon will be there again.

Don’t forget that the U.K. has events and celebrations during 2018—the U.K.’s suffrage centennial!

Put August 26th on your calendar. Women’s Equality Day. Do you have something planned?

Suffrage CentennialsimagesFollow Suffrage Centennials on our Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Stay up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event.

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We’re preparing for the 2020 national suffrage centennial!

A MESSAGE FROM TURNING POINT SUFFRAGIST MEMORIAL: “The courage, sacrifice and tenacity of five million quiet heroes who fought for 72 years to win the vote are the driving forces behind the Turning Point Suffragist Memorial, a visual symbol and national learning landmark to honor and commemorate their resolve and triumph. The #Donate20By2020 campaign celebrates the greatest expansion of democracy in a single day the world has ever seen—the “Turning Point” passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. #Donate20By2020 gives everyone the power to elevate this little-known, heroic suffrage story to its proper place in history.

Donate to celebrate a woman you love. Donate to celebrate a suffrage movement that put American women in the Constitution for the first time and continues to change lives. Contributions in any amount are welcome, but the #Donate20By2020 campaign includes special recognition – in honor or in memory – for donations of $20 or more.

Donate $20 (or more) for 2020.

Suffrage Centennials was showered with attention by New Mexico Press Women at the organization’s annual conference and awards banquet on April 25, 2015 with a first-place award as a non-profit blog. Judges said that the perspectives expressed on Suffrage Centennials represent a “great introduction” to the subject of the women’s suffrage movement and the upcoming centennial celebrations, as well as being “a great topic” in its own right. NMPW is New Mexico’s largest inclusive media organization.

The year, 2020, is the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Prepare now for the celebration.

Suffrage CentennialsimagesFollow on our Facebook page, Twitter, email subscription, and the Quarterly Newsletter. Sign up for email on this web page. Keep up to date with postings, audio podcasts, and videos. Plan for your suffrage centennial event in 2020. Remember Inez Milholland, the U.S. suffrage martyr from now through 2020 ( And support the Turning Point Suffragist Memorial.

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Last chance to see the “Spirit of 1776” wagon before New York State Museum exhibit closes!

“Spirit of 1776” women’s suffrage wagon on exhibit through 2018!! on Vimeo.

Last chance to see “Spirit of 1776” suffrage campaign wagon before New York State “Votes for Women” exhibit closes. Great year for the wagon. It will have been on display from March 2017 through May 2018.

Thank you, New York. It was a terrific suffrage centennial!’

Honor Inez Milholland through 2020, the nation’s suffrage centennial.

Drop by the Inez Milholland centennial blog:

Follow the suffrage wagon at

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