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Quaker women see the need to be visible during the women’s suffrage centennial in 2020

It’s difficult to speak about the first wave of the women’s suffrage movement without giving a nod to Quaker women. Of the women of Seneca Falls, New York planning the 1848 women’s conference, all but one were Quaker women. The lone exception—Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

There’s a new web site just gearing up to spread the word about this initiative—

If you’re a Quaker women or know someone who is, share this email with them.

Our sister site,, has just announced its partnership with Vision 2020 that will hold special programs in the Philadelphia area during August of 2020. LetsRockTheCradle is a public service for writers, journalists, bloggers, educators, and others who have been busy spreading the word about 2020 and the upcoming suffrage centennial celebrations. The Cradle platform is sharing its Vision 2020 partnership.


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Report from the grassroots— from Marguerite Kearns


Former Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch has been appointed as the head of the national Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission. The US Congress created the commission to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the ratification to the 19th Amendment to the US, Constitution that became the law of the land in 1920.

Kleefisch, a former television reporter, served eight years as lieutenant governor under Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin in November. Her appointment to head the national suffrage commission is proving to be highly controversial.

From Marguerite Kearns:

I’m still plugging along, working on the grassroots to give women’s history a presence. I’m the representative in my state for the Votes for Women Trail that consists of working with the Pomeroy Foundation. The goal is to place women’s history markers in key strategic places in communities across the nation.

Now with the gift of the Pomeroy Foundation in New York State, five free Votes for Women trail markers (per state) will be part of establishing a national women’s suffrage trail for 2020. It’s a collaboration with the National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites. Quite a mouthful.

The State of New Mexico placed a limited number of women’s history markers in key communities several years ago. There’s a database online, and support for this program of working on the grassroots. Wherever these women’s history historic markers are unveiled, there’s attention and an ongoing reminder of the work still to be completed in the arena of equal rights.

As state rep for NM, I have been approaching different statewide organizations to take up the challenge of placing five more markers for the 2020 suffrage centennial for the state. And the same effort is ongoing in other states across the country. Our goal is 2020, the suffrage centennial.

Several states still need coordinators for the women’s trail. Contact Nancy Brown and Marsha Weinstein. And visit the web site yourself. has been publishing since 2013. We started out as a blogging tour in the “Cradle” of the women’s rights movement in the United States. Now, we’re part of many teams working up front and behind the scenes to keep the idea of a 2020 suffrage centennial alive.


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Filed under Blog supports history has value statement! is conducting a national campaign to raise awareness about history has value campaign. We support this initiative., a sister site to, has been spreading the word about the “Value of History” statement. The campaign has special relevance to many organizations and individuals planning for 2020 when US women will have been voting for 100 years. If your organizations hasn’t endorsed the history has value statement, plan to do so.

SUFFRAGE CENTENNIAL NEWS: This is the third year in a row that the Shaker Museum in New Lebanon, NY has received funding from the State of New York. In 2018 a Workforce Investment grant allowed the Museum to transition its Director of Advancement from part-time to full-time. In 2017, a grant in observance of the centennial of women’s suffrage in New York State supported the Museum’s exhibition “Break Every Yoke: Shakers, gender equality, and women’s suffrage.”


IDENTITY » History nurtures personal and collective identity in a diverse world. People discover their place in time through stories of their families, communities, and nation. These stories of freedom and equality, injustice and struggle, loss and achievement, and courage and triumph shape people’s personal values that guide them through life.

CRITICAL THINKING » History teaches vital skills. Historical thinking requires critical approaches to evidence and argument and develops contextual understanding and historical perspective, encouraging meaningful engagement with concepts like continuity, change, and causation, and the ability to interpret and communicate complex ideas clearly and coherently.


VIBRANT COMMUNITIES » History is the foundation for strong, vibrant communities. A place becomes a community when wrapped in human memory as told through family stories, tribal traditions, and civic commemorations as well as discussions about our roles and responsibilities to each other and the places we call home.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT » History is a catalyst for economic growth. Communities with cultural heritage institutions and a strong sense of historical character attract talent, increase tourism revenues, enhance business development, and fortify local economies.


ENGAGED CITIZENS » History helps people envision a better future. Democracy thrives when individuals convene to express opinions, listen to others, and take action. Weaving history into discussions about contemporary issues clarifies differing perspectives and misperceptions, reveals complexities, grounds competing views in evidence, and introduces new ideas; all can lead to greater understanding and viable community solutions.

LEADERSHIP » History inspires leaders. History provides today’s leaders with role models as they navigate through the complexities of modern life. The stories of persons from the past can offer direction to contemporary leaders and help clarify their values and ideals.

LEGACY » History, saved and preserved, is the foundation for future generations. Historical knowledge is crucial to protecting democracy. By preserving authentic and meaningful documents, artifacts, images, stories, and places, future generations have a foundation on which to build and know what it means to be a member of the civic community. has been publishing since 2013. Our sister site,, is getting started. If you know a Quaker woman interested in recognizing the Quaker activists of the first wave of the women’s rights movement in the United States, send them to this web platform.

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Patriotic protest theme important in women’s suffrage organizing!

Patriotic Protest theme of “Spirit of 1776” suffrage campaign wagon! on Vimeo.

The “Spirit of 1776” suffrage campaign wagon will be on exhibit at the New York State Museum in Albany, NY during 2020.

The patriotic protest theme of the women’s suffrage movement constituted an important part of the wagon’s significance on its journey from New York City to Long Island in July of 1913. Edna Kearns, Irene Davison, and Serena Kearns wore colonial costumes and used banners citing “taxation without representation.”

The New York State Museum has a model of the Stanton/Anthony statue on exhibit until Women’s History Month in 2019. The actual statue will be unveiled during 2020 in Central Park. It will be the first statue of women in Central Park and an important feature of the national observance when US women will have been voting for 100 years.

Follow on email, Twitter, and Facebook.


We are members of New Mexico Press Women.

Check out, a public service for the media, policymakers, citizens, and organizations preparing for the 2020 national suffrage centennial.

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Gearing up for 2020 during 2019 at the Susan B. Anthony Museum & House

There’s a database with events this coming year as organizations, policymakers, schools, and interested citizens prepare for the 2020 national suffrage centennial. Sign up with the WVCI News at

You’ll find events like these scheduled for 2019 at the National Susan B. Anthony Museum and House in Rochester, New York. It’s all part of the preparation for the 2020 votes for women centennial celebration.

March 18, 2019The Role of Black Women in Reconstruction-Era Political Campaigns, Dr. Justin Behrends, Associate Professor & Chair, History, SUNY Geneseo

May 6, 2019Catherine E. Beecher and the Cult of Domesticity. Denise Munson, Esq.

June 3, 2019Martha Taylor Howard, Savior of 17 Madison Street. ​Dr. Jenny Lloyd, History Professor Emerita, The College at Brockport

Each presentation is offered in the Carriage House of the museum and house in Rochester, NY as a noon luncheon ($35 individual reservation) or 2 pm informal tea ($20 individual reservation). Space is limited and may be sold out.


We are members of New Mexico Press Women. features the news, views, and events associated with 2020 suffrage centennial observances.

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Breaking News, plus 2020 suffrage centennial is gaining momentum!


The State of New Mexico is organizing for 2020 with its first planning meeting held in Albuquerque. On the agenda is finding an organization to take responsibility for special programs throughout 2020.


The Alice Paul Institute is celebrating Paul’s 134th birthday today, and carrying on her work in the support of the Equal Rights Amendment.

IN SUFFRAGE CENTENNIAL NEWS: The UK has listed many sites of suffrage protest on its National Heritage list. This includes Emmeline Pankhurst’s tomb, Bristol Hall, and Her Majesty’s Theatre. Marches, exhibits, theatre, conferences and more marked the UK’s 2018 suffrage centennial where women won partial voting rights, with full suffrage in 1928. In the US, work continues to prepare for the 2020 national suffrage centennial.

Suffrage Centennials features the trends, news, views, and views of the first wave of the women’s rights movement in the US. This video highlights associated interests and concerns. Suffrage Wagon Cafe has monthly programs and videos advocating that we all observe, celebrate, and make the most of 2020 when US women will have been voting, or have had the partial right to vote, for 100 years.

During 2020, a great deal is planned, and we’ll follow the expected events and observances on this web platform, as well as events and programs organized from now to 2020. Celebrate women’s freedom to vote. We worked hard for it and now we’re concerned about fair and honest elections, more women participating in the electoral process, inclusion, diversity, and much more.

Follow during 2019.

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Equal Rights Amendment passage in Virginia predicted for 2019! Plus more news!

The passage of the Equal Rights Amendment, if passed in 2019, won’t be the end of the debate over the next Amendment to empower women in the US Constitution. However, it’s a major stepping stone to reaching the goal. Accompanying this rite of passage will be considerable attention given to August 2020 when US women will have been voting for 100 years.

We’ve been on the case here at Suffrage Centennials since 2013, knocking on doors, producing and circulating videos, telling stories and participating in an incredible national movement to bring the story of American women into the forefront. There are suffrage commissions in states across the country. We now have a national suffrage commission that met for the first time in December of 2018.

More women are running for election than ever before. And we’re continuing on, publishing with 2020 in mind. And how about you? Sign up for posts to

If you’re a blogger, journalist, filmmaker, or all-around communicator, check in with, the public service web platform that connects you to the contacts you need to assemble a cutting edge story about 100 years of women voting.


At a press conference held recently, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper announced the state’s suffrage centennial commission. Lieutenant Governor Donna Lynne, History Colorado Chairperson Cathey McClain Finlon, and more of the 25 female women in public service who have committed to the Commission.

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Happy New Year from your friends celebrating suffrage centennials!

Looking forward to women’s suffrage centennial celebrations & storytelling! on Vimeo.

Happy New Year from your friends celebrating suffrage centennials and the New Year in 2019!

We will continue bringing 2020 to everyone’s attention. We will honor the many events and celebrations scheduled for 2020 when US women will have been voting for 100 years.

We will keep in mind that in 2023 US women will have been struggling to include equal rights in the US Constitution for 100 years. We will still be concerned about fair and honest elections in 2020. We will be asking why the US doesn’t have a national suffrage medal like New Zealand.

We will support the descendants of the first wave of women’s rights activists. We will get behind efforts to tell the entire story of the struggles of women and their male allies.

We support men in their own liberation struggles to make our personal lives consistent with the broader issues. And we will make New Year’s resolutions consistent with our hopes and dreams!



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Updates to Suffrage Centennials & news about voting rights !


The Martha Hughes Cannon Statue Oversight Committee was chartered and commissioned by the Utah Legislature to oversee the creation and placement of a statue of activist Martha Hughes Cannon in National Statuary Hall in the United States Capitol. To learn more, visit

We can’t stay on top of the number of events and special programs being planned for 2020. We attempt to pass on a representative sampling.

DENIAL OF VOTING RIGHTS FOR WOMEN, plus voter supression

The celebration of 100 years of women voting in the United States is plagued with attempts to suppress and limit voter rights by special political interests. This also happened following the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution that passed in 1920 when special interests in the South and elsewhere stood in the way of the 19th Amendment extending voting rights based on race and ethnic origins. It took decades during the 20th century to turn some of these suppression efforts aside.

Today, the efforts to deny, suppress, manipulate, and control outcome of elections by gerrymandering still continues. Free and fair elections are still an unrealized goal in the United States. This is why the observance and celebration of suffrage centennials is so important.


On January 19, 2019, women, women from across the nation will gather for the annual women’s march. In other locations across the nation, many are also expected to participate in “sister” marches. The location for the main march has been changed. Watch for updates.

State of New York rolled out red carpet for 100 years of women voters in New York State on Vimeo.

What is next from New York State for 2020?

The New York State suffrage commission is empowered through 2020. Other states are also creating 2020 suffrage commissions. Follow Suffrage Centennials for news and views.

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Happy holidays 2018 from Suffrage Centennials!

Happy holidays from Suffrage Centennials. We have been publishing since 2013 and we’re going strong in the direction of 2020, the U.S. suffrage centennial.

During 2018, the UK held an observance of its suffrage centennial where many, but not all of its women citizens, won the right to vote in 1918. France followed in 1944. Unfortunately we aren’t able to cover all suffrage movements around the world. However, if you have an article or news item to share, please get in touch! Expand our sphere of influence.

Let’s get busy during 2019 preparing for 2020 when the US will be observing 100 years of women voting with the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution.

Recommended links:

Suffrage Wagon News Channel

Lets Rock the Cradle

Inez Milholland Centennial Blog







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