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Suffrage Play for Young People in Cincinnati in September will go on tour!

The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati (TCT) will present a 45-minute musical performance of SUFFRAGETTES: WITH LIBERTY AND VOTING FOR ALL presented by TCT On Tour (TCT’s touring division) to the Ralph and Patricia Corbett Showtime Stage September 21-22, 2019. The four-person cast includes members of The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati Resident Artist Company: Whitney Daniels, Lauren Everett, LaShondra Hood, and James Stringer Jr. The production is geared to ages 8+ and will be presented on the Ralph and Patricia Corbett stage at 4015 Red Bank Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45227. Only 152 seats are available for each performance. A question-and-answer session follows every show. Performances will be held:

  • Saturday, September 21 at 2 PM and 5 PM
  • Sunday, September 22 at 2 PM Tickets are $10 each (plus service fees) and are available exclusively through or by calling 800-745-3000. Mainstage subscribers pay just $7 per ticket – a savings of $3. Tickets available now.

For booking, contact Violet Webster at 513-569-8080 x20 or by emailing:

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Our sister site, Lets Rock The Cradle, is a partner of Vision 2020!

What’s Vision 2020? It’s a national women’s equality initiative headquartered at Drexel University’s Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership in Philadelphia, PA. In the year 2020, Vision 2020 will lead Women 100: A National Celebration of American Women to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: women’s right to vote.

Throughout the year of 2020, Philadelphia, the birthplace of American democracy, will be home to Vision 2020’s Women 100 programs and events, complemented by the work of Proud Partners — organizations committed to gender equality that have created their own programming in support of Women 100. Vision 2020 applauds Let’s Rock the Cradle, one of its Women 100 Proud Partners, on the organization’s commitment to advancing women’s equality and looks forward to its 2020 program. networks with writers, bloggers, photographers and others to encourage the planning and support of events, conferences, and other efforts to spread the word about the 100 years since the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution in 1920.

For more information, or to get involved in Vision 2020’s Women 100, visit

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Publication of new book about Harry T. Burn

The History Press has published a book about Harry T. Burn written by Tyler L. Boyd, a family descendant and great grandnephew. Harry T. Burn cast a deciding vote to ratify the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that granted voting rights to millions of American women. Born and raised in McMinn County, Burn served in Tennessee government in various capacities for many years, including terms in the state senate and as delegate to state constitutional conventions. The 1920 vote in the Tennessee state legislature will be the topic of a television special feature program during 2020.

This book focuses on Burn, his life and the controversial vote in favor of women’s voting rights. Many factors played into Burn’s support, including that of his mother and the many representatives of national women’s organizations and their advocates who showed up in the summer heat of Nashville to advocate for and against women’s suffrage.

The History Press sells this Burn biography for $26.99.

Follow for updates and highlights.

HAPPY AUGUST 26th, Women’s Equality Day. Make sure August 26th is celebrated by you and your organization. Support efforts to make August 26th a national holiday! Get ready NOW for August 26th during 2020.


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SuffragetteCity100 is pushing for suffrage centennial recognition!

The support for 2020 and its celebration is coming from many places. Check out Suffragette City 100, for example, a non-partisan multimedia historic timeline countdown to election 2020 with a focus on celebrating the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment by retelling the epic saga of the 144 year fight for the women’s right to vote from 1776 to 1920. Highlighted are  the abolitionist movement as well as efforts to advance the causes of civil, labor, and human rights. Cynthia Barbedette is co-founder and historian. She is a former museum educator, librarian, and social worker. 

Here at we applaud the interest and momentum that this upcoming centennial observance is causing. We have been publishing since 2013, back when the word “suffrage” wasn’t understood and many individuals associated the word with suffering. Now the observance has taken off, thanks to numerous volunteers and advocates behind the scenes who have been persistent in organizing and advocating for recognition of this important rite of passage.

We’re a sister web site to Suffrage Wagon News Channel, a news platform for updates to the museum-quality wagon artifact used by Edna Buckman Kearns and other suffrage activists in organizing on the grassroots for votes for women. Suffrage Wagon News Channel has been publishing since 2009.

The “Spirit of 1776” suffrage wagon will be on exhibit at the New York State Museum in Albany, NY during 2020. And it will be part of the rotating permanent museum exhibit after 2020.

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Tool to find suffrage activists in family trees!

Better Days 2020, a Utah-based women’s history organization, and Ancestry, the internationally- renowned family history company, are collaborating on a tool for Ancestry to connect Americans with the suffragist activists in their family tree. The “Find Your Suffragist” tool will allow millions of subscribers to identify women in their family tree who participated in the suffrage movement, signed petitions, or voted. Because it is prohibitively labor intensive for one organization to gather the necessary records, this tool will only be possible with your help. We need your help to identify relevant records in your state for inclusion in this tool.

In gratitude for contributions to Better Days 2020 and Ancestry, organizations will be listed in the project credits. This information was provided by Neylan McBaine, founder and CEO, Better Days 2020, as well as Katherine Kitterman, Historical Director of Better Days 2020, and Brian Peterson, Sr. Content Relationship Manager, Ancestry. Please respond to by September 1, 2019.

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Bus Tour of Suffrage Highlights…

During 2013 when we started publishing here about Suffrage Centennials during 2020, there was precious little on the web about the 100 years since the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution in 1920. Now, expect to find alerts and reminders everywhere, such as the AARP publication. That’s only one of many many examples.


The place to go is the most recent issue of the Gazette, published by the National Women’s History Alliance, formerly the National Women’s History Project. Contact them. You’ll be surprised at how much is planned and already ongoing. Follow

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Suffrage Centennial News is Spreading

The most recent issue of the Gazette of the National Women’s History Alliance has been published. There are terrific resources, summaries of the lives of 100 suffrage activists from diverse backgrounds, and nationwide events. Contact the National Women’s History Alliance for a copy and information about how you can use this issue to bring citizens across the nation up to date with what’s planned for 2020. There’s news from the states, considerable deep research never seen before, ten top centennial sites to visit, national projects and organizations, and MUCH MORE.

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2020 Suffrage Centennial Calendar

This 2020 calendar is available from Syracuse Cultural Workers. Get one now in preparation for 2020. It’s also a terrific holiday or special gift.

Follow the trail to 2020 and the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

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Celebrate July 4th by planning for 2020!

The 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution will be celebrated in 2020. Many events are scheduled for August of that year.  It’s time now to be planning. How have you prepared yourself, your organization, your state and nation?


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Planning a Trip to Seneca Falls, NY for Convention Days in July?

The dates for Convention Days in Seneca Falls, NY: July 20-21, 2019. At the Women’s Rights National Historic Park, 136 Fall Street, Seneca Falls, NY 13148. Call 315-568-2991 for more information. 9-5 p.m. Free.  There’s lodging suggestions, restaurants, and sites to visit online on the Convention Days website.


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