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Celebrate the Year of Voting Rights Rat-ification in spite of cancellations!

We’re celebrating 2020, the year of the RAT-ification of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution that guaranteed voting rights for US women. This 100th birthday party is being celebrated across the US.

We’re making a transition to digital platforms.


Many events and conferences scheduled for this month to celebrate the 100 years since the ratification to the US Constitution have been cancelled, as have most events involving small and large gatherings.

The 2020 centennial hasn’t been cancelled, however. We’ll be featuring the best actions to take to keep the anniversary alive in upcoming posts.





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2020 Suffrage Centennial in the Context of Coronavirus

When the 2020 calendar produced by Syracuse Cultural Workers was published in 2019, no one could have predicted that the slogan “Hear Us Roar 2020” would apply to an international pandemic. Over the years we’ve been preparing for 2020. And the response has been overwhelming. This is because of the long-term advocacy for the upcoming observance on the local, state, and national levels. Over the long haul, the word has been spread and activities placed into action by regular people determined that this critical election year be acknowledged and noticed.


Over the past few weeks there has been an enormous wave of closings in order to halt the spread of a virus that has been overwhelming institutions, communities, and nations.

Don’t be surprised if the cancellation of events in the preparation stages comes to your community or organization or school, etc.


If you marked your calendar for a special event or trip to celebrate the 2020 festivities, check first. “Hear Us Roar 2020” is an attitude that’s spreading. Let your voice be heard.

As of today, there are no women running for US president to represent a major political party in the United States. Even after 100 years of women voting, those interested in the nation’s top job have been disappointed in the outcome or have been advised that “women can’t win.”


Women have been marching for their rights for more than 100 years.

Don’t forget this! Are we willing to march for another 100 years? How about 200? At what point does the following kick in?

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

Women constitute well over 50% of registered voters in the United States. Think about it!



The “Spirit of 1776” suffrage campaign wagon scheduled for exhibition in the lobby of the New York State Museum (Albany, NY) during March and through the summer of 2020 can’t be seen because of the museum’s temporary closing. Check with Suffrage Wagon News Channel for more information.

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More Suffrage Activists Bubbling to the Surface…

The Brandywine River Museum of Art at 1 Hoffman’s Mills Road in Chadds Ford, Pa. is hosting an exhibition of little-known suffrage activists through June 7, 2020. The museum asked five artists to create portraits of 14 suffrage activists deserving of recognition but to date haven’t received the attention they deserve. This exhibit to feature women of color is another step forward. It brings to public attention a representative sampling of the tens of thousands of women activists who put themselves on the line for women’s voting rights across the nation.


In 2013 when started blogging on the importance of advocacy for early women’s rights efforts, the time and effort hadn’t reached the momentum of today. The decentralized suffrage movement wasn’t understood, let alone given the attention it so rightly deserves. This activism, in many quarters, was viewed as boring and not deserving of attention.


So much has changed. This is in part to the extraordinary momentum built over the past decade by individuals and organizations on the grassroots. Most of such advocacy has not been funded by government or corporations. It stands as a remarkable collaboration behind the scenes. And since then, more effort and commitment has been applied to the deficit. It wasn’t long ago that the entire movement was dismissed as less than significant. This included women of all backgrounds. is one example of an effort, a labor of love, to bring awareness out from the underground. There are so many exhibits and programs that we can’t keep track of them. That wasn’t true back in 2013 when the campaigning of SuffrageCentennials began.


Keep the announcements and exhibit notices coming! Remember Inez Milholland, the US suffrage martyr, who gave her life for women’s voting rights. Find out news updates about Inez at

Check out Suffrage Wagon News Channel, our sister platform for news and views.

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March 8, 2020—International Women’s Day!

Check out the web platform for International Women’s Day.

It’s a reminder—and an important one—that women throughout the world are watching and paying attention. Women in the United States have been marching for their rights for more than 100 years. And by the looks of the upcoming 2020 presidential election, the candidates of the two major political parties will be featuring men.

Don’t let March 8, 2020 come and go without leaving a trail behind! The web platform for International Women’s Day has plenty of resources available. An example:

A special thank you to the web platform of International Women’s Day.

Follow during 2020.


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Focus on Inez Milholland, the US Suffrage Martyr, during 2020!!


The web platform, , has been updated in order to promote more awareness of Inez Milholland, the US suffrage martyr, during 2020. Check it out!

The above image of a statue of Inez is the vision of a Loveland, Colorado sculptor Phylicia Mann who is looking for supporters and funders.

There’s an active group marching every year in January to honor Inez Milholland. Find out more at the Facebook group—Adirondack Women’s March. The text below is from the Facebook book coordinated by Sandra Weber.


How about planning a special Inez Milholland program at home for friends and family, your organization, fundraiser, or special event? During 2020, the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution many organizations and special interests will be busy linking to centennial news and programs, especially in this presidential election year.

Sign up to receive news updates on for highlights. Planning a trip that links your travel to suffrage events and celebrations? Are you’re in a position to suggest to educators special topics to study? Bring Inez Milholland out of the margins and check in with what’s available.

For more information about this 15-minute film, go to

Link to Check out news updates on  You’ll be glad you did.

This is a public service notice from

For more information about the “Spirit of 1776” suffrage campaign wagon, visit Suffrage Wagon News Channel, publishing since 2009.

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Don’t Let 2020 go by Without Insisting on Something More than “Business as Usual”

by Marguerite Kearns

There’s a network linking us together during 2020. is part of it. But the roots go deeper than what’s immediately apparent. The year 2020 is being celebrated across the nation, not because of corporate funding, not because certain so-called party leaders haven’t been deeply invested in partisan politics. And not because a centennial celebration of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution just “happened.”

We’re celebrating 2020 as a turning point in the United States because thousands of concerned citizens drew the line and said “Enough is enough! We’re not going to let 2020 come and go without a peep.”

Remember the corporate cigarette ad in the past lobbying women to smoke cigarettes? They claimed we’d come a long way and should be glad we did. Why go “all the way” when we’ve already come a long way?

Sorry, but we aren’t spending our free time smoking cigars.


BUSINESS AS USUAL doesn’t cut ice with women and others today who no longer accept a second class role. We can do better, and not with another round of candidates who claim we can’t do better and should be satisfied with less. Those parroting the themes of the old boy network may spout a loud line, but underneath they’re reinforcing the old adage, “Stay in your place. Women can’t win.”

We can make 2020 a turning point. Don’t sign up to reinforce the old and tired position that we can’t.


Are we going to accept another century without women having equal rights under the US Constitution? Are we planning to keep marching into the sunset with the word “please” stuck in our throats? Are we going to continue marginalizing the accomplishments of those who have sacrificed and struggled for dignity and human rights in generations before us? How much longer will we tolerate blatant attempts to suppress the popular vote or eliminate voters from the rolls?


How far are we willing to go in support of a future where we’re no longer rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic? How much longer will the old boy network continue its condescending attitudes, including not opening up the tunnels of power and sharing chairs at conference tables when it’s urgent to work together and ensure a safe future for the planet and its diverse living forms?  How much longer will we grin and bear social policies that put women and others down and tell us that we’ve “come a long way” when an increasing number realize finally that it’s time to go “all the way?”

The clock is ticking.

Follow during 2020.

A lot of news for 2020 is available on Suffrage Wagon News Channel.

Suffrage Wagon News Channel for news & views of the women’s rights movement on Vimeo.

Honor an early women’s rights activist during 2020. Check out the perks associated with featuring our US suffrage martyr, Inez Milholland.

The centennial web site for Inez Milholland has been updated. Check it out!

During Women’s History Month in March, I’m honoring my grandparents—Edna Kearns and Wilmer Kearns—for whom women’s rights represented a family affair. Intergenerational activist started before me, and it will continue after me.

Start at home, and let’s spread our wings to our community, the nation, and internationally. I’ve been blogging about my grandparents since 2009. I’m completing a memoir during 2020 as a way for me to honor them. It will be published in 2021. Check out Suffrage Wagon News Channel.



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Plan to visit “Convention Days” in July 2020 in Seneca Falls, New York!

The Introduction: Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Amelia Bloomer! on Vimeo.

Convention Days in Seneca Falls, New York will be big this year.  JULY 17, 18, & 19, 2020.

The community has laid out plans for the entire year of 2020. It’s a “go to” place during the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution. This basic educational video, “The Introduction,” features Amelia Bloomer’s introduction of Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, It also shows some of the tourist locations in Seneca Falls, NY.

Introductions are important. Seneca Falls, NY has a statue commemorating the historic introduction of Amelia Bloomer when she brought together Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.


Supporters of 2020, the national suffrage centennial, have been introducing each other and networking like never before. We’re doing this, as well as lobbying, establishing our own organizations based on human values, and more, rather than relying on partisan politics that promote certain special interests over others. Behind the scenes, US citizens are establishing a parallel network based on cooperation when facing the challenges before us. This is urgent NOW!


Follow Suffrage Wagon News Channel during 2020. has been publishing since 2013.

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Happy Valentine’s Day during 2020, the US suffrage centennial!

Happy Valentine’s Day. This message is to send love to the tens of thousands of US women who worked for generations to win the right to vote and to strengthen  the effort to expand civil rights to the nation’s women. We need to hear this because of the present-day stubborn and fierce resistance to completing this unfinished social revolution.

The podcast, below, features writing from Doris Stevens about Inez Milholland, the US suffrage martyr. Don’t forget Susan B. Anthony’s 200th birthday on February 15th.

Check out the updates to the web platform,

This site was launched in 2016 to commemorate the 100 years since Inez Milholland’s death in 1916. Now there’s a Colorado sculptor who is looking for allies to support her in constructing a statue of Inez on her horse.

The above link is an audio recording from “Jailed for Freedom,” the 1920 book by suffrage activist and writer Doris Stevens where she highlighted Inez Milholland’s last public appearance in California on behalf of women’s rights.


For news of a wrap-up of events, topics, and controversies during 2020, the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, go to one of our sister sites  Suffrage Wagon News Channel.

The news channel celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2019. Back when the news channel started posting, there were few links and feature postings about the early women’s rights movement. Nowadays there are so many events and topics of interest, it’s impossible to feature them all.

Because the Suffrage Wagon News Channel is a labor of love from Marguerite Kearns, you can expect there’s a great deal of material available about the early women’s rights movement. She’s working on completing a book about her suffrage activist grandparents—Edna Kearns and Wilmer Kearns. Marguerite’s upcoming memoir is scheduled for publication in 2021. For the Kearns family, suffrage activism was a family affair. Visit the blog and sign up for news updates.

Watch for the next special program at the Suffrage Wagon Cafe.

Suffrage Wagon Newsletter coming soon. Are you ready to follow the Spirit of 1776?

Thinking about a special program for 2020? Consider Inez Milholland, the US suffrage martyr. STOP BY

There’s also a blog where you can stay on top of updates about Inez. Also check out:

Follow during 2020.

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The 2020 Suffrage Centennial Gathers Steam…

100 Years | 100 Women—

Don’t miss a day of talks and performances at the Park Avenue Armory in NYC on February 15, 2020 by noted artists, thinkers and cultural leaders as they explore the complex legacy of the 19th Amendment one hundred years after its ratification. Participants include photographer and scholar Deborah Willis, actor-activists Kathleen Turner and Tantoo Cardinal, spoken-word performer Caridad De La Luz “La Bruja”, vocalist Martha Redbone, visual artist Renee Cox, performance artist Karen Finley, and community organizer De’Ara Balenger and many others.

This Symposium launches 100 Years | 100 Women, an initiative of Park Avenue Armory, with lead partner National Black Theatre, and nine major cultural institutions including, The Apollo Theater, The Juilliard School, La MaMa Experimental Theatre Company, The Laundromat Project, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of the Moving Image, National Sawdust, New York University (Department of Photography and Imaging, Tisch School of the Arts; Office of Global Inclusion, Diversity and Strategic Innovation; and Institute of African American Affairs & Center for Black Visual Culture), and Urban Bush Women, who will collectively commission one hundred artists who self-identify as women to respond to this significant anniversary.

Purchase tickets now ($15, plus fees) to attend individual sessions or purchase a Day Pass ($45, plus fees) to attend the entire day.


Get the updates about the US suffrage martyr, Inez Milholland, at

The “Spirit of 1776” suffrage campaign wagon used by Edna Buckman Kearns and others will be on exhibit in the lobby of the New York State Museum in Albany, NY starting in March, Women’s History Month, and continuing throughout the summer of 2020. Check for updates at Suffrage Wagon News Channel.

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Susan B. Anthony’s 200th Birthday in 2020, plus other suffrage centennial notes!

It is Susan B. Anthony’s birthday on February 15th.

Susan B. Anthony: The first militant suffragist on Vimeo.

A big annual fundraiser to benefit the Susan B. Anthony is scheduled to celebrate Susan B. Anthony’s 200th birthday with a special dinner and fundraiser on February 12, 2020 at the Joseph A. Floreano Riverside Convention Center in Rochester, NY.  Dinner is at 6 PM with a reception and cash bar.

The evening will feature the keynote speaker, Tena Clark, the author of Southern Discomfort. She is also a Grammy award-winning musician and composer. Celebrating Susan B. Anthony’s birthday is a tradition that started in Anthony’s lifetime. Reserve your table or individual seats.

On March 2, 2020 at 7 pm, there will be a reading of the play, Susan B., at Berkeley Rep’s Peet’s Theatre in downtown Berkeley, California. The reading will open the Bay Area Women’s Theatre Festival. This will be a three-month event (a couple of shows per weekend), and the Susan B. reading will be the opening event, along with a reception. More information available later on this site.

Check out the blog devoted to Inez Milholland, the US suffrage martyr. It has updates, including news, including the renaming of Mt. Discovery in the Adirondacks to Mt. Inez. was launched in 2016 to accompany the 100th anniversary of the death of Inez Milholland during a lecture tour she made to theWest coast of the US. Make checking the news on part of your regular schedule.

Are you planning an event celebrating the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution? Consider building a program around Inez Milholland. There’s a 15-minute documentary film from Wild West Women to show; plus a Gazette tabloid available from the Women’s History Alliance (check their web store), and many souvenirs and related memorabilia also available from the Women’s History Alliance web store.

With resources like this available, your role would be to set a date, find a location, get out the publicity, and coordinate the resources that are available now. It’s a terrific program for an organizational fundraiser.

Follow during 2020.

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