Category Archives: Blog

Suffrage Centennials advocated for the 2020 centennial in 2015!

Suggestions for celebrations and special programs at Suffrage Centennials! on Vimeo.

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Marguerite Kearns asks, “Can you help me out with a favor?”

Marguerite Kearns talks about her suffrage activist grandparents—Edna Kearns & Wilmer Kearns! on Vimeo.

Dear Friends,

I may be writing about the suffrage campaigning, but my new book has a special message for you. Are you collecting family stories, memorabilia, photos, and so on? Items like these are the most valuable gifts for future generations? And I include you when I suggest that my book has more interest than those interested in women’s issues.

SUNY Press (State of New York) is working hard to produce my book scheduled to be published in June 2021. I’ve discovered that the scheduling of events is the area where I’m to take full responsibility, according to one member of the production team.

Here’s where you come in. Do you know of an organization, program, educational program of other venue where my participation and presentation would be welcome? Contact me and I can follow through on your suggestion. I’m reachable at SUNYBookAuthor at

Visit the web site: for details of the book, “An Unfinished Revolution.” This work is a model of something many people are doing as a gift to their own families. They’re archiving important events, photos, stories and more. My book is about how the early women’s rights movement impacted me, as well as four generations in my family. And it has broader implications about what you can do with your own family.

Get in touch. I’ll love to hear from you!

Hugs, Marguerite Kearns has been publishing since 2013. Our work continues.

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Updates about suffrage centennial celebrations in the US!

Individual states celebrated their suffrage centennials first! on Vimeo. has followed the centennial trail from the local to the national level. We have been publishing since 2013.

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Seneca Falls, New York is always worth another visit!

by Marguerite Kearns

I’m still at the task of my passion——telling friends and others about the early women’s rights movement. It was uphill, decentralized, and promoted by volunteers. They did what they could within the circumstances of their own lives and the times. Some were just like us. Others reflected their own families, social and political agendas.

Now there are historic markers across the United States to point out the locations of where they lived and worked. Most were regular folks. The majority didn’t earn salaries and benefits. They represented a cross section of the nation. Today we build on their accomplishments, warts and blemishes.

Have you ever visited Seneca Falls, New York? You can sign up to hear about the special programs and ceremonies sponsored there.

We all have to start somewhere.

Suffrage Centennials has been publishing since 2013.

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Suffrage centennials took years to take over the nation!

Contact the web site of the National Women’s History Alliance for more information.

Suffrage centennials didn’t come about by accident! on Vimeo.

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Getting exposure in the media—a chronic issue!

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Spring is reaching around the Corner at—videos and news!


Women Voters Thank Their Suffrage Ancestors from Marguerite Kearns on Vimeo.

“An Unfinished Revolution: Edna Buckman Kearns and the Struggle for Women’s Rights” will be published by SUNY Press in June of 2021. It’s not too early to plan for your book club now! has been publishing since 2013. has been persisting in the publishing effort since 2015.



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Harriet Tubman home is part of the NPS network of historic sites! SPECIAL EXHIBIT IN SENECA FALLS, NY

Inspiration for visiting Harriet Tubman’s home, plus other historic sites! on Vimeo.

The national historic network, including the home of Harriet Tubman in Auburn, NY, has expanded in recent years. There have been upgrades at the women’s sites in Seneca Falls, NY, as well as the addition of the headquarters of the National Woman’s Party in Washington, DC to the network of locations. The completion of the national Votes for Women Trail, designated by historic markers, will be announced this year.


There will be an opening of Radical Optimism: The Enduring Power of the Women Who Won the Vote at the Fall Street Visitor Center on the second floor of the Seneca Falls,  NY NPS museum. Radical Optimism features an overview of generations of women who dedicated themselves to the struggle for women’s voting rights. Spanning more than 80 years—from the first female public speakers to the vote that changed the future for American women—the exhibit brings viewers through the challenges and obstacles facing the suffragists, even those from within their own movement, and explores how they remained motivated, hopeful, and steadfast through years of frustration, conflict, and division.

This exhibit was funded, in large part, by the Preserve the History of Women’s Rights in America Fund, established in 2015 by the Friends of Women’s Rights National Historical Park. The fund was created to protect and preserve park resources and support exhibits dedicated to the legacy of the 1848 Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, NY, and to the ongoing Women’s Rights Movement in America. Further information is available at the Friends’ website,, or on Facebook (@WomensRightsFriends).  

WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH IN MARCH has been publishing since 2013.

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March, Women’s History Month, International Women’s Day, and a historic marker in Long Beach, NY!

March 8, 2021 is International Women’s Day. Are you raising your hand?


A historic marker has been approved and will be part of the national Votes for Women Trail that has hundreds of historic markers now part of community history across the nation during 2020 and 2021. The historic marker funded by the Pomeroy Foundation commemorates the suffrage organizing work of Edna Buckman Kearns in Long Beach during 1913. It is planned for the Boardwalk at National Blvd.

Support An Unfinished Revolution, the book by Marguerite Kearns that goes into depth about how a movement for equal rights defined her family and generations before and after.

We’re promoting An Unfinished Revolution, scheduled for release on June 1, 2021, because it is an important example of what you can be doing to pass on important legacy stories in your own family. It can include a legacy letter, a legacy recipe, a family legacy cookbook,and more. An Unfinished Revolution is an example of how far anyone can take simple projects to the most complex. Here is what “lifestorican” Emma Fulenwider has to say.

Find out more about Emma on has been publishing since 2013.


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News note & more about Quaker family that gives backdoor view of voting rights campaigning!



An article about the Spirit of 1776 suffrage campaign wagon used by Edna Kearns and others in 1913 appeared in the winter 2020-2021 issue of New York History.

SUNY Press featured An Unfinished Revolution in the spring catalog to announce the release of the book in June of 2021. has been publishing since 2013.

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