2016: A great year for Suffrage History & Centennial Celebrations on Vimeo.
WRAPUP OF NEWS: NYS Governor Kathy Hochul has begun meeting with a 14-member state commission that is planning New York’s suffrage centennial in 2017. The observances and events are planned from 2017 through 2020. Tennessee unveiled a statue honoring its suffrage activists on August 26th.
A NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR 2020 SUFFRAGE CENTENNIAL: A U.S. Senate bill has been filed to create a national Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission to develop and execute programs and activities related to the 2020 centennial of American women winning the right to vote. Senate Bill 3073 has 13 co-sponsors, all Democrats but for Susan Collins (R-ME). The sponsors are hoping for passage with the omnibus budget bill this fall. If this happens, an appropriation of funds may accompany the establishment of the Commission. Follow the bill’s progress: https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/senate-bill/3073
The centennial observance of Inez Milholland’s death continues. A digital petition is available requesting that President Obama award Millholland a presidential medal. For more information and other details about Milholland activities: InezMilhollandCentennial.com
The Benjamin Center for Public Policy Initiatives at SUNY New Paltz and partners are convening a conference to examine the history, present situation, and future of women in public life on April 21-22, 2017 in anticipation of the hundredth anniversary of women winning suffrage in New York State.
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