We can’t sleep. We’re tossing and turning. We’re restless and impatient. How many of us are following the trail of freedom with calmness and clarity? Many of us are moving to the Pacific Northwest. I hear such predictions as— “We’ll be ‘safe’ there. Plenty of water to drink, etc. Climate change is here, but we’re helping ourselves primarily.”
Location is key, the location advocates repeat. Real estate agents are having a field day in the Pacific Northwest. Those set on moving there are feeling superior and tested. They believe that location is primary, not one’s frame of mind. The rush is on. And PNW relators are smiling.Those left behind say something like: “It’s your frame of mind that’s important, not the location.”
And the argument continues. Places that once headed the list for the best places to move are discovering that location and gratitude and positive pretending are keys, but all of us are affected in one way or another by the fact that the United States has become the laughing stock of the world because it appears not to value its citizens. Many are supporting an equal rights guarantee in the US Constitution. We’re teaching our children this. The situation isn’t going away.
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